Environment Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Made in the USA Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Natural Home Organic Apparel & Textiles Organic Clothing Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding Sleep Tips

Why Wool Is Cool

A huge problem that people have with buying wool is that it is an animal product, and with the way that animals are treated in modern civilization people are skeptical on the matter. However, sheep are not killed when wool is attained, and while some people do bring harm to their sheep we make sure that where our products come from there is a safe environment for the animals. The wool is merely sheared off, so it is as if the animals are getting a haircut. No harm comes to these sheep, they enjoy their days long after the product has been taken, can you say the same about that burger that you ate last night?


Another concern with wool is the odor. So many people understand wool to retain a musty smell after being worn multiple times but this is true with all fibers, synthetic included! It is a fact that an article of clothing will get dirty and smelly if not washed for a prolonged period. All my wool sweaters and socks smell perfectly fine after being thrown into the washer, just as my spandex do. See, it can go either way in whatever you are wearing, no matter what your body will leave behind odors on your clothing and its up to you to make sure that it does not stay in such a smelly condition. Its either that or remove your sweat glands.

Wool is WARMER! Wool is capable of maintaining body heat, and while it dries slower than synthetic fibers it is still able to keep one’s body heat elevated without them burning up. Wool is a temperature regulator, meaning that in the cooler months it tends to retain body heat, while during the hot seasons it breathes with your body It is water resistant to a certain degree (lets not get too crazy here though, you can’t jump into a pool and stay dry) however, with smaller spills and messes there is a tendency for the liquid to drip down and simply spill off the fibers. Wool can also absorb up to 30% of its weight in water before beginning to feel wet.

Being the flame resistant fiber that it is wool will not melt into a persons skin when on fire. It is self-extinguishing, so when caught on fire it will typically only char (lets hope that fire gets contained though because you’d hate to ruin that polyester sweater of yours). Not only is it flame resistant but its super durable. Unlike other fibers that break and wear down over time, wool takes much longer to wear down.

Finally, wool is comfortable too! Every night I tuck myself away under my warm, cozy organic wool comforter and thank the stars that its available to me. In the morning I wake up just a little happier because of how cozy I am wrapped up underneath my blanket and my mood is destroyed when the realization that I actually have to see the world outside sinks in. Just another reason to sleep, I guess.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Healthy Lifestyles Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding Sleep Tips

Dream Soundly



So many things can have either a positive or a negative effect on a persons dreaming. One of these is the smells that surround you during bed time, and also sounds. These factors can influence what you are dreaming about, the objects and small details that make up the subconscious world. Have you ever had your alarm clock incorporated into your dream? Or have you had a dream sequence after falling asleep while jamming to a CD or watching a movie or reading a book? This is because your mind retains the subjects that these stimulants produce – imagery, music, smells. Dreaming is the the body’s sleep defense system, so that when something impacts the environment around you, your dream does whatever it can to coordinate it. There are many factors as to why you are dreaming what you are dreaming, some being hidden desires and or even simple things can dictate the narration of a dream as you walk down a scenic route because you are feeling ‘calm’ that night.

When people are stressed out they are more likely to experience nightmares or not dreaming at all. Simple solutions can be as easy as exercising or meditating. When a person is relaxed and is open to the idea of sleeping and dreaming they will most likely experience calmer dreams. When providing one’s body with the proper comfort they will fall into a deeper sleep, capable of taking them to higher ground in their dreams.

Many people do not seem to realize that REM sleep has been said to aid memory-forming and when one dreams more they find that they remember more information in their waking hours than those who do not dream (or sleep.) Once believed to be an outlet for the rage that we bottle inside of us during the day, scientists have since discovered psychological effects of not dreaming. In a study conducted by William Dement in 1960, in which subjects were awoken during REM sleep, found that they experience “mild psychological disturbances such as anxiety, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.” Correlation between dreaming and physical ability is being further studied, with strong factors supporting that it has an effect on one’s physical capabilities.

Celebrate Book Lovers Day!

Our dreams can sometimes be read as things that pertain to our lives, and be translated for better understanding. Idea’s that consume your sleeping mind – like the falling dream, or being chased, or the realization that you are nude in front of a crowd – can be interpreted into a simple things such as having too much on your plate, or feeling spun out of control. While dreaming about flying could correspond to your new found confidence! Learn how to read your dreams and maybe it can improve your outlook on life.

What is hardest about dreaming is remembering it! If one slips into the habit of telling themselves that they will remember their dreams when they wake up and keep a journal or notepad by the bed to jot down your thoughts after waking they can help in remembering what took place in their dreams, bringing you one step closer to pin-pointing why you are so stressed.

As the body’s sleep defense it only makes sense that the deeper one may fall into sleep, the more dreams would come of it because there is more room to dream soundly in your creative mind. Dreams are very important because they help people to get in tune with their inner thoughts and emotions. If you are not sleeping comfortably and securely, than your dreams are most likely being effected by this. With the proper comfort a body is allowed to indulge in deep thought and imagination. Make sure that the mattress you are sleeping on is allowing for the proper support that your body needs.

Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Organic Comfort Sleep Tips

Physiology of Sleep

The relation between sleep deprivation and weight gain is debatable, however there
is some science behind the concept of it. The important question everyone has been
asking since the beginning of sleep study is whether or not sleep has any
physiological effects. A recent study performed on rats in which the experimental
group went a substantial amount of time without sleep while the control group
received time to sleep indicated paramount conclusions. The results were clear:
sleep distress increased the likelihood of severe debilitation and even death in
those who were part of the experimental group, while the control group suffered
no consequences.

track athlete 
What is also significant about sleep studies is that after even one night of sleep
destitution one's ghrelin levels may rise. Ghrelin is a chemical produced to alert
us of whether or not we are hungry and need food. Reports show that after 3 nights
of sleep regulation (7 hours the first night, 4.5 hours the second night, and total
sleep restriction on the last night) men with a normal BMI stated that they felt a
remarkably stronger feeling of hunger. The science behind it cleared up that ghrelin
levels were indeed at a much higher percentage after sleep deprivation than after a
normal 7 - 8 hour rest period.
Whether or not comfort has an affect on ghrelin levels is unsettled. But comfort in
bedding material surely can help one fall asleep easier - and for all the right
reasons. While America once held the record as the most obese nation (only to be lost
to Mexico in March of 2013) it is still alarming the percentage of overweight adults
in the country (35.7% are obese.) These statistics could be correlated to the fact
that over the past few decades the average American is sleeping at least two hours
less than those who survived in the early to mid twentieth century.
Better amenity in sleeping hours can induce a deeper, more relaxed sleep which can
help in relieving one's body of grogginess and discomfort in the early morning hours.
While sleeping healthier stimulates the body's natural sleep cycle it will also reduce
stress levels which can eliminate unnecessary feelings of hunger and the need for oral
fixations such as smoking and drinking. Some research suggest that the time spent
sleeping and also the QUALITY of one's sleeping hours can actually affect weight LOSS!
This is because when a person gets the proper amount of rest their ghrelin levels
decrease while their leptin levels (which are produced in fat cells and send signals
to the brain alerting one that they are full) increase.

Even though research on the correlation between sleep and weight loss is still up in
the air, many experts agree that if you are working on a diet, putting in a few extra
hours of sleep certainly will not hurt. Director of the Connecticut Center for sleep
medicine Dominic Roca says that "more and more data comes to the forefront to suggest
that you simply can't cut back on sleep without paying some price."


eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Green Living Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Organic Comfort Sleep Tips

Can’t Sleep?

Are you finding it difficult to fall asleep when the lights are finally turned out at night? 
Is it difficult to stay asleep for the entire period of the night?
Here are some easy tips that can help to ensure your quality and quantity of rest:

1. Turn down the lights!
     It can not be said enough that the amount of light reaching the retina can either
increase or decrease one's melatonin production which will determine a person's ability
to fall asleep quickly.
2. Avoid drugs such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
     While it may seem rather obvious as to why one must avoid such stimulants as caffeine 
and nicotine - because they are stimulants and they excite neural activity - the reason
behind why consuming alcohol before bed time may seem less clear. Because alcohol is a
depressant it works as an aid to SLOW neural activity and for many people it may help
in putting them to sleep; however, because alcohol is unnatural to the human body it will
disrupt one's internal biological clock and perhaps reset his or her sleep schedule.
In other words, we do not experience the basic sleep cycles while intoxicated as we would
sober. Also, drugs inhibit REM sleep, which is dream sleep, and in dreaming one's memory is
created to a certain degree and with these depressants a person is susceptible blacking
out and doing things they shouldn't then waking up without any recollection of it!

3. Create comforting pre-sleep routines
     As bedtime approaches a person may want to indulge in activities that sooth
brain activity. These activities will be as simple as reading a book, taking a
bath, and watching T.V. (though try to refrain from light emitting screens in
the ten minutes before sleep). Activities to avoid would be ones that involve
physical labor, and stress.


4. Assure a normal sleep schedule:
     In order for your body to rest easier it is imperative that one gets the same number
of hours of sleep per night and that they go to bed and wake up at particular times.
This is so that your body has time to wake up and get tired again all in a normal days cycle.

5. Exercise regularly:
     While exercising in the hour before sleep is not ideal - because is gets blood rushing
to all parts of one's body, making them feel alive - a good workout at some point during the
day would not go unrewarded. For one maintaining healthy habits such as these is good
practice, but also it fatigues your body, making a person more tired.

6. Manage shift work:
     What this means is only that if you are working the night shift multiple times
in a row you may be prone to sleep debt. Trying to work out your schedule so that you
are not losing so much sleep will be a good thing, but if this can not be done try to
create a dark atmosphere to your bedroom - dark curtains/shades, dark paint, low light,
and other things of that nature that can stimulate melatonin production in the brain.

     Finally we've reached our final tip and that is to assure that your body is
comfortable when trying to fall asleep. In the long winter months a thick wool comforter
will help in maintaining the appropriate body temperature with making a person sweat or
freeze to death. Sleeping on organic fibers such as cotton aid in natural comfort and
promotes deeper sleep, making it less likely for a person to awake in the middle of the night.

So there you have it, 7 tips that can help to eliminate stress and set your body back on track
to a natural sleep cycle - best of luck!


eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Natural Bedroom Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding

How Many Pillows Do You Need to Sleep Better?

How many pillows do you need for a good night’s sleep? Are you fine with just one pillow or do you need more to get that right amount of softness and comfort? We have heard answers that range from one pillow to around six! The use (or overuse) of pillows can be a contributing factor to missing out on sleep.

If prefer to sleep with more than one pillow, make sure you don’t turn your neck at an uncomfortable angle while you sleep. Poor sleep posture can cause you to wake up with neck pain or other soreness. Incorrect use of pillows can also contribute to sleep apnea, a dangerous disorder that cuts off your breathing while you sleep.

The age of your pillows can affect your sleep as well. A dusty, old pillow that has gone flat from years of use does not provide proper head and neck support can ruin your sleep, no matter how many you pile up to sleep on.

Here are the features to look for in your next pillow:

A quality cover – A pillow cover should be durable and clean. Materials such as organic cotton are softer and allow for proper air flow. This keeps your head at a comfortable temperature and can help reduce insomnia.

Supportive filler material – The inside of an old pillow can be a home for mold, mildew and dust mites. Pure latex is resilient inner material for pillows and does not attract mites or mold. The inside of your pillow should be supportive and shape itself to accommodate your head for a customized fit.

Proper height – A pillow that is too high or low will tilt your head too far in one direction. If you are sensitive or particular to the fill, then look for the option to unzip the pillow and adjust the height by adding or removing the filling materials

Suited to your sleeping position – If you prefer sleeping on your side rather than your back, your pillow should be designed with your favorite sleeping position in mind. You may even need more than one pillow, especially if you’re a multi-tasker like our President and CEO Cheryl Hahn:

I have a larger, denser wool pillow propped up against my headboard that I angle very slightly. Then I have my regular-fill standard size LaNoodle pillow in front of that, which I use as my “primary sleep pillow”. Since I read every night before turning out the light, the larger pillow is nice for that extra support. When I’m ready to sleep, I mostly use the LaNoodle but the larger pillow angled just a little bit gives me that “wedge” type of support I like since I’m mostly a side sleeper and I can scrunch my LaNoodle Pillow to work perfectly whether I’m reading, sleeping on my side or turn on my back. Pillows are so personal and everyone has unique comfort, you just have to find what works best for you.

You may need one pillow or a combination of pillows to get your perfect sleep. Either way, you should definitely consider a pillow made from premium materials that last. Don’t sacrifice price for quality.


Our CozyPure®  organic pillows are ideally suited your custom sleeping needs:

Natural Latex LaNoodle Pillow Collection – The “original” CozyPure®  LaNoodle Pillow is made from pure latex noodles, providing soft and resilient support with the flexibility to uniquely cradle your head and neck for individual comfort. Available in three different fills (light, Regular, and Extra).

Pure Performance Pillow with Pure Latex and Organic Sateen – Similar to our best selling original LaNoodle Pillow our Pure Performance Pillow is also made from pure latex noodles (no blended foams or synthetic batting) but it’s overstuffed with a zipper so YOU can take out the fill and adjust to your individual preferred comfort.

Adjustable Latex Contour Pillow – Folks that have neck pains may find contoured pillows a great prescription to feeling better. The gentle hand-tied contour cradles the head and neck perfectly to help alleviate pain and discomfort. Filled with free-flowing latex LaNoodles which dynamically move around your individual curves for perfect support and comfort. Features a zippered edge for adjusting the fill to your specific levels of delight.


Lumbar-Neck Organic Pillow with Pillow Case – Neck Roll pillows can help provide contouring support to the natural cervical spine curve while lying on the back and Lumbar pillows help give support to the lower back. Our Lumbar-Neck Pillow can be used for either one.

How many pillows do you use to get to a good night’s sleep?
Do you use more than one? Leave a comment and let us know!

Healthy Lifestyles Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Sleep Tips

How to Read a Book Comfortably Before Bedtime

This year’s Book Lovers Day is coming up on August 9th. We have been asking for comments on our blog about what do you like to read before going to sleep. We also asked readers to share how they get comfortable while reading. Here are our own tips on how to read comfortably no matter what time of the day it is.

Good Posture – You don’t want the hours you spend reading to end up giving you neck or back problems. Find a comfortable sitting position with good back support. Hold your book at an angle where you can read it easily but you are not going to feel sore when you get up afterward. Right before bed is a favorite time to indulge in a good book for many readers. While reading in bed might be cozy, you probably don’t want to do it for a protracted length of time. The same goes for working in bed on your computer.

Good lightingPoor lighting while reading can cause eyestrain. Read your books in a properly lighted area. If you are reading in bed and don’t want to disturb your partner, try using a book light. When using a reading light, aim light over the shoulder opposite from the hand you are using to turn the pages, so your hand does not cast a shadow on the book. Set the light over your left shoulder if you are turning the pages with your right hand and vice-versa. You should also contrast lighting levels when reading. If you are using a bright reading lamp, turn on another light in the room to balance out lighting so there is not a stark contrast between a dark room and light from the lamp.

E-readers  – E-reader devices are winning over legions of readers due to their convenience of carrying an entire book collection in slender device. Some E-readers use “digital paper” that displays text on an unlighted screen. Newer E-readers feature a backlit screen that use LED lights similar to laptop computers. LED screens eliminate the need for a booklight by illuminating the text you are reading. Sleep experts have expressed concern that E-readers and other tablet devices could throw off a reader’s circadian rhythms and contribute to sleep problems. You can adjust your e-reader’s settings brightness settings where you can read comfortably and reduce excessive glow.

Do you have some tips for staying comfortable while reading? Please share them! We want to hear from you!

Our Book Lover’s Day contest contest continues through August 30thLeave a comment on our blog and you could win a grab-bag of books!

Healthy Lifestyles Natural Bedroom Natural Home Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding

Cool Your Head While Sleeping – Use an Organic Pillow

Does a hot head prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep?

Having to flip your pillow over in search of that elusive cool spot is more than just uncomfortable, experts say it can contribute to insomnia and cause you to miss out on precious sleep time. This can be an even bigger problem during the summer months. Even with air conditioning, the wrong type of pillow can make your head feel hot and sweaty.

While an organic pillow can’t cure insomnia, a pillow made from organic cotton and latex can help lower the heat around your head and give you a better chance to get a good night’s sleep.

One example is the CozyPure® Pure Performance Pillow, made from a silky soft organic cotton sateen fabric. Our 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton fabric is breathable, offering more airflow and a cooler sleep than synthetic blend pillows and allowing body heat to dissipate easily.

Inside the CozyPure® Pure Performance Pillow are pure latex noodles. Pure latex does not retain heat in the same way blended foams or synthetic batting do. The spaces between the latex noodles also assist with airflow and cooling your head. They also provide support, to cradle your head and neck for individual comfort.

Organic cotton fabrics combined with pure natural fillings provide the ultimate in sleep quality and comfort.


Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Green Living Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Organic Mattress & Bedding

Keep Your Organic Mattress Clean and Dust Free

Keeping your house clean and dust-free can go a long way to feeling and staying healthy. While you probably wipe and vacuum up the dust in your house from exposed surfaces and under your furniture, what about your mattress?

While a standard mattress can trap dust and also become a home for dust mites, the outside casing cover of a CozyPure® Performance mattress can be kept dust-free and clean with a few simple steps.

One important thing to remember is NOT to put your organic mattress casing in the washing machine.  While you can toss your organic cotton sheets and blankets in the wash you can’t do the same with your organic mattress cover casing because it will tork and shrink. So how do you clean it?

The best way to clean your organic mattress casing is to remove the top panel by fully unzipping along the perimeter, then put it outside on a sunny day. The sunshine and fresh air will freshen it up and uses no energy except what the sun and fresh air produces. No chemicals whatsoever!

What if you have a stain on your mattress?

The best way to get out stains of our organic mattress covered casing or organic sheets is to spot clean with a mixture of water and white vinegar, maybe add a little lemon juice for a pleasant scent. For really nasty stains, try adding a little Dawn dishwashing liquid to the mixture. This creates an easy to make and eco-friendly homemade cleaner using simple ingredients that can help remove stains from your organic mattress cover. Just dab it on a clean cloth (or spray) and gently wipe the stain. Air-dry your mattress casing outside after you are done.


Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Organic Mattress & Bedding Sleep Tips

Organic Bedding Can Help You Sleep Cooler During The Summer

It can be tough to get a good night sleep during the hot nights of the summer months. Air conditioning helps, but the wrong type of bedding can trap in too much body heat, requiring you to lower the thermostat to compensate and increasing your energy bill. Organic bedding made from breathable materials can keep you cooler than synthetic bedding during summer nights and help you get a more restful sleep.

Our CozyPure® organic cotton blankets and wool comforters are made from natural fibers, which breathe and allow your body heat to dissipate through increased airflow, unlike synthetic blend fabrics that trap heat and make you sweat.

For the summer months, you might want to try using a set of 100% organic cotton sheets – make sure there’s no polyester blend – because pure 100% cotton increases the airflow between your body and the outside air. Our CozyPure® Organic Cotton sheets offer a fresh environment for a comfortable sleep and are made with 100% GOTS-Certified Organic Cotton. You will get a cooler sleep…and a cleaner one! We use no synthetic blends, formaldehyde or chemicals.

What else can you do to keep cool during summer nights? Experts suggest you should try adjusting your thermostat in the evening and experiment with different settings to see which one works best for you. If the evening temperature is suitable, you can open a window and use an electric fan to increase airflow in your bedroom. Wearing organic cotton garments while sleeping will work with your organic bedding to increase airflow as well.


Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Natural Bedroom Organic Comfort

Think Green About What You Are Sleeping On

At CozyPure, we like to celebrate “green” all the time and not just on St. Patrick’s Day by celebrating “green sleep.” What’s better than that? When you walk into your bedroom ask yourself “how green is my sleep system?”

There is nothing like the feeling of sleeping on all natural materials. Cuddling up with a body pillow made from latex noodles gives me a safe feeling because I know exactly what I’m resting my head on, 100% natural latex and GOTS certified organic cotton. I don’t wake up in the middle of the night sweating and uncomfortable because of my bed. I wake up well rested and completely dry because my mattress is not made from uncomfortable fibers like polyester.  I’m not worried about what chemicals are in my mattress anymore because its all natural latex and wool.

If its difficult to find one natural element in your bedroom its time for a change. The easiest way to start is with your bed. Change your hot polyester sheets and pillows to breathable organic cotton and wool. Next, switch your sweat absorbing, uncomfortable, unsafe mattress to a natural 5 zone latex mattress that is able to wick away moisture and isn’t in contact with toxic chemicals in its manufacturing process. The 5 zones in the mattress will also give you more support in the heavier parts of your body giving you more energy when waking up.

After transforming your sleep system to being completely safe and all natural focus on the rest of your room. When you’re preparing to sleep is your room temperature at the recommended temperature of 65-70 degrees? People sleep best when its dark so make sure the drapes are shut completely to block street lights or a full moon from ruining your sleep.

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day is fun. You get to wear green, watch parades with friends and relax. Just remember to continue to “think green” because  it might be a little more difficult to relax if you are resting on the wrong materials.



INTERN Jamar DiggsJamar Diggs is a PR Communications and Social Media team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.