Facebook Fan Contest – Cast your vote!

You choose the winner! We had a great response (almost 200 entries) and it was hard to narrow it down. Thanks to Organic Comfort Zone fans who sent in entries…. they were fun to read! The top five favorites, selected by OCZ staff, are featured below. Now it’s up to YOU to vote for your favorite (voting ends Oct 12th).

Winner will receive the following CozyPure® organic bedding:

  • One La’Noodle Natural Latex Mattress Topper
  • Two La’Noodle Pillows.
  • We asked our fans:

    “Why a good night sleep is important to me…”

    Entry # 1 –
    If over the counter sleep was sold,
    hour for hour in silver and gold,
    How many people would fret and weep?
    …because they could not afford to sleep.
    This a jingle my grandma used to sing to me to put me to sleep when I was a very little girl. Some of my most fond memories are the ones I have of her singing me this song and talking about why I should “let my eyelids get heavy and think happy thoughts.” As an extremely busy college student, I always make sure to place a strong emphasis on having good sleep and allowing by body to repair itself. I am always explaining to my sorority sisters that a good night’s sleep is the cure to everything!! Getting a good night’s sleep is a NECESSARY part of having a healthy and balanced life. Through a good night’s sleep, a person can have great achievements in the day… After a good night’s sleep, one is reborn.

    Entry # 2 –
    A morning person, I am not!
    Unless a good night’s sleep I got.
    Sleeping in comfort without a hitch
    Guarantees no morning bitch!

    Entry # 3 –
    I go to sleep to dream.
    Dreams are the things that change the world.

    Entry # 4 –
    I long to have the kind of slumber
    So peaceful and quiescent
    That one can awaken with a smile
    And feel magnificent
    With 3 kids, two jobs and my back so sore
    And a million things on my mind
    A good night’s sleep is imperative
    To ensure I’m feeling fine

    Entry # 5 –
    A good night’s sleep becomes extra important when you’re a mom like me. I spend my day tackling 3 wild & crazy boys, a husband AND a female cat named Jim Not-A-Him. The biggest thing on my mind after my long day with all these crazy creatures is being able to finally cuddle up to something plush, soft and fluffy – and I’m not talking about my hubby. Hitting the sack is splendid fun, piling into puffiness that feel oh so… good! I dream vividly, tossing & turning all the while so having bedding that contours and moves with me is super duper important. Cradle my head, even my neck – oh Organic Comfort, you’re my friend tonight. Thank you so much for that outrageous comfort… now I can finally rest that achy Fibro-riddled body of mine. To me, sleep really does feel like the best thing on Earth!


    OK folks…. do you have your favorite?

  • Cast your vote below!
  • Note: Voting ends October 12, 2009 – 5:00pm EST

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