How I Came to be Part of this Family

I admit it. I feel guilty when I leave the grocery store with a fist full of plastic bags filled with containers that may be made from toxic plastics and I consider their inevitable resting place. My heart falls when my furnace or cooling system engages at the thought of what I am personally doing to future generations.

The threat of climate change, household toxins, economic downturns and a slew of other environmental and social issues makes me both sad and angry at once. By nature, I am a problem solver, but the overwhelming scope of the crisis at hand leaves me bewildered. Void of super-powers, I felt nearly helpless. My tiny efforts to reduce, reuse, recycle and educate seemed futile compared the ocean full of monster ahead.

I have to make a difference. My legacy must include leaving behind a better world than the one I entered. All the wealth and popularity in the world means nothing if I leave a stack of wreckage and damage behind on my way out. My goals include cleaning my own litter box and maybe what the careless cat before me left behind as well. However, in a consumption based society like the one we live in, fulfilling my aspirations is not an easy challenge. I’m not a farmer, I did not inherit either one of my mother’s green thumbs but I still need to eat and earn a living. My quandary was how to earn a living while not betraying my aspirations. Enter Cheryl Hahn.

I was introduced to Cheryl through a mutual friend. I guess our friend saw an unspoken blend of personalities and ideals that with a little effort could create a new joint energy that would be beneficial to both of us.

Upon entering Cheryl’s business, I was taken with a sense of freshness. Don’t misunderstand – there was some clutter, but the air quality and softness of the fabrics meshed into a rarely found purity.

Cheryl’s energy and passion was amazing. She proudly presented her designs, products and concepts to me with passion and enthusiasm. We discussed ideas, world issues and she presented me with so much wonderful information, hope and inspiration that when I left, my mind was filled to over-flow. I needed to be a part of Cheryl’s vision, but how and where could I fit?

After some time past, both Cheryl and I knew that I would become part of the OCZ family … maybe as her assistant … maybe marketing … maybe anywhere.

Like most small companies, it is required that everyone involved must wear different hats. If needed in the warehouse, answering the phones, designing the new catalog, merchandising the retail area – then that’s where I will be found. It sure beats doing the same job day after day! Officially, I am the Director of Communications, which is a generic term for … “go talk to Rex”.


This is my first blog entry and simply, my way of saying “hello” and letting you know how I came to become part of this wonderful group of eco-minded beautiful people.

– By REX