Our weekend in New York for the Go Green Expo was unexpectedly overwhelming! Wow it was great to see such a BIG crowd visiting the show and we ran out of catalogs by mid-afternoon the first day. Yikes! Guess we weren’t prepared for the huge interest, although in hindsight we should have been since New York is one of the top-three areas where our customers live. My 13 year-old daughter worked the booth with me, and she loved it and everyone was fantastic to her. Thank you all so much! Our table was busy the entire time, and unfortunately I didn’t even get a chance to walk the expo myself, so I’m pretty bummed about that…. although I did get to say Hi to our good friends at “E” Magazine because they were only a few tables away.

More than three-hundred people signed up for our Free Organic Pillow Giveaway, and we’ll be shipping ten lucky winners their goodies this week.

If the rest of America embraced eco-values the way New Yorkers do, then we’d be in really good shape. Oh yeah, I almost forgot…. a very long-time industry associate was there too – Howard (Howie) Gabe. Wow, he goes WAY back to the beginning of this eco-revolution, just like we do, so it was good to briefly reminisce and laugh about how both of us are still standing. I love seeing the original pioneers! I don’t know all these new green people and businesses (sob). Anyway, Howie is organizing an NYC eco-trade show in July, so maybe we’ll be back sooner than expected.