Adding Some Earth to the Bedroom with Plants

Sleep is a necessity of life. It is a staple in assuring well-being and good health. If you are not getting a restful nights sleep then you are at risk of sleep deprivation and deficiency. These are unhealthy sleep habits that can affect every part of your life, extending beyond the bedroom. There are many chronic problems related to sleep deficiency, including heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, stroke, and diabetes. Sleep disorders are a chronic epidemic in America, and the damages can be as instantaneous as a car accident from a delayed reaction, to an array of harmful health problems and habits developed over time.

We here at CozyPure want to help America sleep better. We are dedicated to helping you find the right bed and bedding to fulfill your organic comfort needs, but also to provide other resources and information on getting a healthy and benefiting slumber. In lieu of Earth Day, we want to share with you the many resources our own Mother Earth provides that can help you in reaching a soothing slumber.

We partake in the resources given by nature in our products, but also in our showroom where many plants and benefiting foliage has been strategically arranged to offer an aesthetic appeal and to assist in the soothing effects of calming and seducing sleep. We have composited a list of twelve benefiting plants that can aid in sleep. These are plants that NASA recommends in enhancing air quality of living space. It is recommended, that 15 to 18 plants such as these should be located in an 1800 square foot area to provide the best results in improving air quality and overall experience. Poor air quality can lead to an array of health issues, including asthma, allergies, inflammation, and even cancer, with that in mind, adding a plant or two to the bedroom seems to be more than necessary in providing a safer sleep environment. Here are twelve air-quality improving plants, recognized to be benefiting to the restless sleeper:

  1. Jasmine, Jasminum: Jasmine is a vining plant, that grows naturally in warmer climates, but can be kept indoors where it can receive plenty of natural sunlight. Jasmine has been known to reduce anxiety, while the smell can help improve sleep and alertness.
  2. Lavender, Lavindula: Lavender is diffused into many newborn products and products for new moms because of its stress reducing properties. Lavender has been recognized to reduce stress and anxiety, slow heart rate, and lower blood pressure. All of which can help set the stage (or bedroom) for a better nights rest.
  3. Rosemary, Rosemarinus Officinalis: Rosemary works hard to improve the air quality around with its immune boosting qualities and blood flow stimulation. It is has also been shown to boost memory levels by 75 percent.
  4. Aloe Vera, Aloe Barbadensis Miller: This plant is rated by NASA as the number one in oxygen generating and air improving. More oxygen can help you get to sleep better and stay there. The Aloe Vera plant offers a topical ointment inside its foliage that can soothe burns, rashes, and skin abrasions.
  5. English Ivy, Hedera Helix: This ivy is an amazing addition to any plant of garden. It has been shown to reduce up to 94% of airborne mold in a matter of hours. This aids in reducing allergies and lung irritation.
  6. Snake Plant, Mother- In- Laws Tongue, Sansevieria Trifasciata: This is a plant that many have exclaimed is impossible to kill. It filters out many household toxins from the air including formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene. It has also been recognized to aid in preventing eye irritations, respiratory problems, and headaches, while increasing energy levels.
  7. Gardenia, Gardenia jasminoides : The gardenia is a bit trickier to care for, needing to be in bright room without direct sunlight, but is known to aid in relieving anxiety and promoting sleep.
  8. Valerian, Valeriana officialis : This is a perennial flowering plant with a sweet scent that needs a minimum of 6 full hours of sun daily. Valerian is one of the oldest and most studied plants that aid in curing sleep disorders like insomnia.
  9. Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum wallisii : The Peace Lily is rated as one of NASA’s super plants as it filter toxins from the air and can boost humidity by 5 percent. This suppresses airborne allergies and offers relief from allergens. This plant captures mold spores from the air and circulates them to the roots for food.
  10. Bamboo Palm, or Reed Palm, Chamaedorea erumpens : This is beautiful plant that can grow up to 6 feet tall and offers air purification along with a wonderful aroma.
  11. Gerbera Daisies, Gerbera jamesonii : These are cheery flowers that release oxygen at night and are often recommended for the home in cases of sleep apnea and severe allergies. However, these plants need a lot of attention for they are often prone to fungal diseases.
  12. Golden Pothos, Scindapsus aures : This plant has marbled- heart shaped leaves that are incredibly helpful in purifying the air. It is just important to note that the leaves may also be considered mildly toxic to children and pets.