Green Tidings February Green Tidings


Founder / owner of Organic Comfort Zone / CozyPure®, Cheryl Hahn is considered an expert in the field of organics – folks are always asking her questions and consulting with her. With nearly 20 years of research and experience under her belt, Cheryl has earned a place of respect. Now she has her own monthly column in The Virginian Pilot newspaper. Below is her column, which was published on Valentine’s Day. I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of her readership did.


“The tide is turning green in Tidewater.” That’s a phrase I’ve been saying for the past year because now more than ever, folks in the Hampton Road’s area are showing a real interest in eco-friendly options.

With the economy right now, it makes a lot of sense to embrace a greener lifestyle because so many things can actually save you money.

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, let’s tackle the idea of giving green gifts.

Here’s one that falls under the category “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”: One of my favorite things to give someone is a beautiful photograph.

They are uniquely special, something you can enjoy for years, and you certainly won’t find this gift on a store shelf.

Choose your favorite image and display it in an attractive frame. Better yet, make a wonderful collage with an assortment of photographs. Clip words or phrases from old magazines to express your thoughts while also enhancing the visual arrangement.

Thrift stores usually have nice selections of tacky artwork displayed in great frames that are perfect to use for your collage.

Whether large or small, if done right, your recipient will love displaying your new gift somewhere in her home. The cost is minimal, while the long term enjoyment can last for years.

If you’re looking for more traditional gifts, try a beautiful plant instead of cut flowers. Write your own prose and create a card.

Got a sweet tooth? In today’s fast-paced world, many of us are so busy that spending time with someone can be the most wonderful gift of all, so pick a date and make homemade chocolates together. You get the candy and the company.

If you want to do something more romantic, then light the candles, play some music, make a delicious gourmet dinner and have the kids clean-up the mess.

Don’t have kids? Let the mess wait for morning. Make sure you get in one slow dance before the night is over. Simple pleasures can be true treasures. You don’t need a lot of money to express gratitude towards someone special, and you don’t need to be a tree-hugger either.

Speaking of hugs, be sure to give one to your valentine… they’re simple, they’re powerful and they’re free. Oh yeah, they’re eco-friendly too!

Cheryl Hahn is the founder of Norfolk-based business “Organic Comfort Zone”, manufacturers of organic bedding, and “Tomorrow’s World”, one of America’s first eco-stores. For more information visit or call 757-480-8500 or 800-229-7571.