Over the past few months I have noticed the emergence of so called “green” products and “green” marketing. Companies that have historically been known as chemical and environmental nightmares are surfacing with campaigns that gloat that these same companies are champions of the green movement. Apparently, by adding a slight percentage of natural and renewable contents to their existing line, then that makes them “green” and wonderful.

Don’t misunderstand me, any step in the right direction is a step towards a greener, healthier world and that pleases me but, let’s not allow our intelligence to be insulted.

Here at Organic Comfort Zone / CozyPure®, we have been researching and developing products that truly are green, safe and good for the environment for nearly 20 years. We are one of the “old guys” in the green industry and consequently, we can recognize “green washing” at a glance.

Our main object is and has been protecting our customers and the planet from unhealthy chemical exposure while gently using renewable resources and quality American labor. Rest assured that CozyPure® has and always will be top quality and truly “green”.

We don’t take short-cuts. Before introducing any new product, we make sure the contents and final results are tested and do not compromise our reputation of quality and safety. Add in Cheryl Hahn’s flavor of design and aesthetics and we have a blend of quality, function and beauty that cannot be surpassed.

Does it sound like I am bragging? Well maybe a little. I am proud of my association with Organic Comfort Zone / CozyPure®. We all work very hard here to ensure customer satisfaction and our products and service reflect that fact! So, to our many loyal customers that have become part of the CozyPure® family, thanks for your support and we promise to continue our long standing tradition of offering you the finest, most beautiful, truly green merchandise available.