Mother Earth from an airplane

Wanted to share a little something my son penned while we were flying to New York.

Clouds. They are like icebergs floating in a sea of pollution.
I feel like I’m floating in the saturated water
leaving smoke clouds behind in a swirl of hate
toward our environment, toward our ecosystem,
toward our world Mother Earth.
Feeling like I’m dying and seeing the earth crying
maybe we can make a difference, as people,
as humans with flaws. She tries to sing out a sound
but only comes a hum. She’s dying, she’s crying,
she’s screaming out help.
But no one listens to her call.
As I rise higher and higher I see her tears flowing
down the river from the oceans, to the lakes,
her beautiful shining lakes.
But now they’re leaving us too
because of you, because of me, because of us.

eric hahn, age eleven
written on an airplane in-flight

– from cheryl