Reduce Your Body Pollution

We’re gearing up for our Grand Opening this weekend at our new location….
We’ll feature the many benefits of organic and untreated natural materials, with hands-on comparisons so folks can feel the differences. We’ll also focus on “body pollution” based on the popular “body burden” studies which show the average American has atleast 90 industrial chemicals in his or her body from common products, such as furniture (mattresses), and yes even clothing!

Our job is to educate folks above and beyond the apparent “BIG” environmental impact of our product choices — and show them how studies reveal these choices now affect the environment inside their home. Indoor air pollution is now worse than outdoor pollution. Yes, really! And how our bodies (mostly fatty tissues) absorb and retain these chemical pollutants.

I feel like it’s 17 years ago when I say: “Small choices, big difference”. Back then I referred mainly to our environmental footsteps on the planet, but now those choices also makes a big difference in your natural home zone.

If you’re in the Norfolk, Virginia area this weekend… please be sure to stop by for a visit with us. If not, come another time… we’ll be here and we’d love to meet you!

sleep well,