USA Textiles – Once Upon a Time

U.S. textile plants are often located in small rural communities in the Southeast and often represent the major source of employment and taxes for many towns and cities. When a textile mill closes, the entire community feels the ramifications, with local businesses, churches and government being hurt. The industry is a primary employer of women and minorities.
<em>Source: National Council of Textile Organizations</em>

That’s one of the reasons we produce our organic textile brands here, because going overseas affects OUR communities and OUR families. We’re all for “fairtrade” overseas, but mostly for artisan-crafted goods, items that are unique to that specific area. But to cut and sew our garments? Why are we taking jobs away from Americans in this industry? One answer: It’s cheaper over there. If we keep going at this pace, we’ll all be working at Walmart. Your purchases cast a vote… Support USA garment workers!  Your neighbor may thank you.