Did you know that when you purchase a product that was made overseas, particularly one from WalMart or a number of other discount department stores, you are buying into a market that is basically sustained by slave labor. Technically these corporations do not actually use ‘slave’ labor, seeing as their factory employees do get paid, but at what cost?
     A pair of jeans bought from WalMart will typically cost about eight dollars, and sure, that sounds great and all, but these jeans and other various articles of clothing were purchased for a total of TWO cents! How is one expected to make a living when manufacturing products that are sold for nothing more than two cents? These countries that America outsources to are poor and barren because most people do not understand what they are doing when they buy from these department stores. I am not trying to say that all discount department stores are terrible, its just that when you are buying jeans for eight dollars try to keep in mind how much it cost to actually make those clothes and how big of a profit the corporation is making off of you because of it.
     Also, because these products are so cheap they do not usually last very long, so sure it seems fine and dandy to buy cheap merchandise but when it falls apart a couple of months later and you must rush back to the store to replace it it kind of makes you wonder how much money you are really saving. And at what cost are you saving this money at? The citizens in these third world countries work in very poor conditions and must fight diseases and other harmful bodily distresses through the course of a day, a week, a month, and a lifetime. When these people are subjected to these infections and injuries they hardly have the kind of money to help them see it through.
     When living on $68 a month, how could one possibly expect to pay for any kind of treatment or care. In America, with our health care and job opportunities it might be easy to forget that there is a world out there full of suffering people who are not able to receive the kinds of luxuries that even some of the poorest citizens in the states might receive, like, for instance, a roof over their heads and a meal at night.
     I understand that America’s homeless population is on the rise and that we should help our nation as much as we can before throwing money at other nations to get better, but that does not mean that we have to support these terrible working conditions that make up the third world. Let us look for healthier alternatives, and I’m not saying that everything that you buy should be made in America because God knows that that can be mighty pricey in some cases. However, sometimes spending that extra money not only benefits the American work force but American goods that are actually made in America are most of the times much more sturdy than a blouse that was made along with twenty others of the same kind within the hour.
     We take time and effort to produce our goods here at the Organic Comfort Zone, each product is made with careful precision and lots of love for the customer. Why not support business’ like us and many other small, American business’ across the nation who actually care about their customers and their employees?

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