Countdown to Earth Day: Reduce Electricity

There are lots of ways we can reduce our electricity. Here’s a list of just a few easy steps to take in your everyday lifestyle:

  • USAGE. If you’re not using it, turn it off. Pretty easy!
  • LIGHTBULBS. If you haven’t “switched” to Compact Fluorescents then put this on your list. Not only do they reduce wattage dramatically, they also don’t need replacing as often so perfect for hard to reach places!
  • APPLIANCES. When you need to upgrade your appliances be sure to choose newer models that are energy efficient. The savings in electricity will quickly compensate any additional upfront costs for the purchase.
  • HVAC. Take advantage of the rebates and loans available through many state programs to upgrade your HVAC system. Newer units will save you on your monthly utility bill plus the added incentive of refunds makes this a no-brainer. If you want the very best in efficiency, consider geo-thermal. Remember you’re making an investment, so think long-term and ROI regarding the costs involved.
  • TEMPERATURE. Invest in a programmable thermostat and don’t set your temperature higher than you need. Also change or clean your HVAC filter at least once a month. And don’t forget to vacuum vents too.
  • HOT WATER. Take showers instead of baths. Don’t run the dishwasher for only a few dishes. Wrap your hot water tank with insulation or better yet replace that dinosaur with an on-demand hot water heater. Did we mention low-flow showerheads?

Now if you’re really really serious about claiming your energy independence, you should install solar panels and/or wind turbines which will greatly offset your electricity use –see photo below showing our utility bill to run our offices and factory.

But remember – you must make the simple changes before you generate you own power. If you’re not energy-efficient you would need an entire solar panel just to light one regular incandescent lightbulb. It’s about small steps. Start with the every day basic tips and you’ll find it gets easier and easier to take larger strides towards living green and saving money too!

Our solar panels and wind turbines were installed by our sister-company Sunrise Solar and Wind.
To purchase green-living products, visit our websites at Tomorrow’s World and CozyPure®.

Cheryl Hahn is the President and Founder of Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure® organic mattresses and bedding and Tomorrow’s World, one of America’s first green-living stores.
