The LaNoodle Pillow Education

I consider myself a country boy with a broad, somewhat worldly perspective. I was born in Maryland. I grew up in North Carolina and Virginia. There are some things country folk are known for, but healthy lifestyles has never been one of them. That being said, I know that there is a certain amount of …

Embracing National Cuddle Up Day on January 6

January 6 is National Cuddle Up Day and we’re embracing it at CozyPure. After all, who better to celebrate this nationwide day of cuddling than makers of organic mattresses and bedding? So it’s official, CozyPure declares National Cuddle Up Day as it’s holiday. Some may wonder why the nation would adopt a holiday devoted to …

Every Day is Earth Day

We like to be mindful of our environment every day around here. But some things just can’t be avoided. As green as we are in our company practices we’re still occasionally confronted with some challenges that are very “un-green” while running the business. The difference, however, is how we choose to deal with those things. …

Kermit Was Wrong: It Is Easy Being Green

I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to ways I can live more sustainably.  With two young children, it’s really important for me to set a good example. We are primarily a vegetarian household, we recycle (my 3-year old is a “master” in her own right), don’t let the water run while brushing our …

Is Your Bedding Sustainable?

Earth Day is fast approaching and it’s the perfect time to evaluate how green you really are. Earth Day is the time that everyone thinks about the basic ways to conserve like recycling, buying local and using less energy. Why not consider changing what you rest your head on every night, your mattress? Most conventional mattresses available today …

You Are What You Sleep

They say you are what you eat but what does your favorite sleep position say about you? Most people have a “go to” sleep position each night … mine is on my left side, fetal position, curled up in my blankets nice and tight. Are you a log? A starfish? A soldier? Research suggests that …

You Want To Make A Difference?

Ever wonder what you could be doing to make the world a better place? Do you think that you probably won’t make a difference no matter what you do because you are just one person and how could you? Well, here is some news for you: YES, you CAN make a difference in the small …

Dear Sleep Diary

For those of you who can not get to sleep at night, or who have an incredibly hard time doing it, a sleep diary might not be such a bad idea. You see, the pros of a sleep diary include getting to know when and how you are falling asleep each night, what you might …

Echoes of a Dream

Many of us have escapes that we use to get away from our day-to-day lives, and many of those escapes can be as simple as reading a book or watching a movie. Music, however, for the most part, seems to be universal in helping many people deal with their emotions. Music, and lyrics, and singing, …

Swaddling Security

A baby Rhino was taken into custody at the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Center in South Africa, and now can not sleep without being attached to his female keeper at all times. The Rhino was found after poachers killed his mother. He was found lying down with his head crying on his mothers dead body, and …