Earth Day is fast approaching and it’s the perfect time to evaluate how green you really are. Earth Day is the time that everyone thinks about the basic ways to conserve like recycling, buying local and using less energy. Why not consider changing what you rest your head on every night, your mattress?
Most conventional mattresses available today are made from synthetic materials derived from petrochemicals and a host of proprietary unregulated chemicals. Producing these materials contribute to generating more pollution in our environment, plus creates a dependency on our supply of nonrenewable resources. In addition manufacturers use toxic chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), a class of synthetic chemicals as flame retardants. Disturbing concentrations of this chemical has been found in human blood and breast milk – a major human health concern.
All of these factors contribute to our health and that of our environment. The materials we choose for use in our CozyPure bedding and mattress components are made from earth-friendly renewable resources that are better for you and better for our environment.
Making useful green products from sustainable materials that will last for years is a great representation of what Earth Day is all about; investing in something that’s not designed to break down and get replaced is not only smart for your wallet, it’s smart for our planet.
Start thinking about your purchases. Do you need it? Is it practical? Will it last? What’s it made from? Where was it made? Are you buying something simply because it’s cheap? You’ll find that when you start asking these questions chances are pretty good that in many cases you’ll put the product back on the shelf.
If you looking to “sleep green”, visit for a full collection of organic bedding and mattresses.