Introducing the LaNoodle Cuddle Top Latex Topper – Perfect for College Dorms and More

The latest addition to the CozyPure line of handcrafted bedding is the LaNoodle COZYTOP Mattress Topper. It offers a new level of comfort. It is also a great gift for newlyweds, dads and graduates. It is a perfect addition to any bedroom. Our LaNoodle COZYTOP Mattress Topper is designed with two different organic fabrics: lightweight …

Cuddling up with the Critters on National Pet Day

  April 11th is National Pet Day and CozyPure supports your commitment to your critters. Pets are family, and we would not offer the entire family sleep support if we did not mean it. There are many reasons pets are known to benefit the health and quality of life in people, which may be why …

Sleeping With Your Smart Phone May Not Be So Smart

There are articles in the news every day about sleep – how to get more of it, why it is crucial, how to do it better, ways to enhance it – it’s how we spend a third of our life. In a recent article “Book Talk: The Sleep Revolution,” on Washington Life Magazine’s website, Erica …

CozyPure’s wool comforter: A lesson in temperature regulation

Working at CozyPure has caused me to examine my sleeping habits. And I’ve discovered something about myself…I’m a cover kicker. For those who aren’t aware of this type of sleeper, it’s when you’re constantly kicking the covers off and searching for them over and over again in the night. I just never seem to be …

You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your pillow

A pillow is like a friend… it can bring great comfort or be a pain in the neck. Sometimes folks don’t realize the importance of choosing the correct pillow for proper support – the wrong one can provide discomfort throughout the night. For instance, if you sleep on your side with a very flat pillow, …

You Are What You Sleep

They say you are what you eat but what does your favorite sleep position say about you? Most people have a “go to” sleep position each night … mine is on my left side, fetal position, curled up in my blankets nice and tight. Are you a log? A starfish? A soldier? Research suggests that …

You Want To Make A Difference?

Ever wonder what you could be doing to make the world a better place? Do you think that you probably won’t make a difference no matter what you do because you are just one person and how could you? Well, here is some news for you: YES, you CAN make a difference in the small …

Dear Sleep Diary

For those of you who can not get to sleep at night, or who have an incredibly hard time doing it, a sleep diary might not be such a bad idea. You see, the pros of a sleep diary include getting to know when and how you are falling asleep each night, what you might …