100% Woman-Owned, Made-In-The-USA Small Business

I am woman, hear me roar. Helen Reddy’s song reached #1 on the charts in 1972. I was nine. Young enough to be influenced, according to the lyrics, that my gender had no barriers. Having a mom who owned and operated a small hair salon certainly didn’t hurt either. Of course, that’s not to say …

You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your pillow

A pillow is like a friend… it can bring great comfort or be a pain in the neck. Sometimes folks don’t realize the importance of choosing the correct pillow for proper support – the wrong one can provide discomfort throughout the night. For instance, if you sleep on your side with a very flat pillow, …

Natural Latex Mattresses – New pricing April 1st

We’ve had quite a few raw material price increases from our suppliers for over the past year and we’ve absorbed the cost without passing it on to our customers. Many of our competitors have raised their prices a few times over the last year or so and as much as we’d like to continue to …

The making of a new and improved organic sofa day bed.

In between doing this and doing that – today I’ve been working on the redesign of our EcoTerra Sofa Day Bed. I love our EcoTerra and we use two of them in my family room. Comfortable, spacious, sturdy and attractive, but I also know some folks want a more “traditional” look of an upholstered sofa. …

Something so intimate has become under-valued

When Food, Inc premiered at our local theatre, I told the family we were going to see it together. The film focuses on mass production, that is, our food being produced using very industrialized methods. Fatter chickens in half the time and herbivore cows forced to eat corn (which in turn gives them e-coli bacteria), …