
Some folks are people-watchers. I’m a label-reader. When we’re out shopping at a store, I’ll always get distracted looking at products and investigating their contents. My kids grab my hand, and yank me down the aisle saying, “Mom, you said we’d only be here a few minutes!” I’m good to go… until I hit the next aisle. And then, as the saying goes, history repeats itself.

The cleaning department has some of the best labels. Now with the eco-green movement, you’ll find labels shouting “fantastic orange” or “citrus sparkle”. But when I read the ingredients, it’s full of toxic chemicals. Not even one little orange peel. How misleading and unfair this is to the general public. I have an upper-hand because I know what to look for, and I think of the thousands of people that don’t know. They buy it, thinking they’re getting something that they’re not.

Now that organic bedding and natural mattresses are becoming more popular, the same thing is happening. I’m dismayed at the amount of “natural” latex mattresses available today. Being in the industry, I know what’s in most of them, and it certainly is not natural. Most are synthetic-latex surrounded by layers of synthetic foam. But hey, there could be about 20% natural stuff inside so they call it natural and since many consumers take things at face value, it works.

Sometimes a customer will call to say they found a queen size latex mattress at their neighborhood store for only $600. They want to know why a CozyPure® mattress cost so much more. Well folks, it’s in the label. Heck, our raw supplies and labor cost us more than $600, but at least we’re making the real deal. Unfortunately, organic materials carry a higher price tag, so if you’re serious about purchasing one, you should know it will be more expensive, no matter where you buy it. In the meantime, if you happen to see a great deal, just ask for the label.

Sleep healthy and well.