World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day! This years theme is Think.Eat.Save . Think.Eat.Save is an anti-food waste and food loss campaign that encourage others to reduce their carbon footprint.

We at CozyPure® loved the idea and wanted to give it the “CozyPure touch” by creating Think.SLEEP.Save.

We want others to reduce their carbon footprint by making informed decisions while choosing their bedding.


What better way to help the environment than to make something you use everyday more Eco- friendly? You spend many hours a day  lying on your mattress but did you know it could be hurting you? Conventional mattresses today are made from synthetic materials derived from petrochemicals which can breed mold, mildew and dust mites causing moderate to severe allergic reactions. Producing these materials contribute to generating more pollution in our environment, plus creates a dependency on our supply of nonrenewable resources. In addition, manufacturers use toxic chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), a class of synthetic chemicals as flame retardants. Disturbing concentrations of this chemical has been found in human blood and breast milk – a major human health concern.

All of these factors contribute to our health and that of our environment. The materials we choose for use in our mattress components are made from earth-friendly renewable resources that are better for you and better for our environment.


Our CozyPure factory is actually powered 100% with solar and wind energy to bring sustainability full circle.


Sleep is very important in our everyday life. After a good nights sleep your thoughts are clearer, and your emotions are less fragile. Without adequate sleep your  judgement, mood and ability to learn and retain information are weakened. Achieving restful sleep begins with keeping a consistent sleep schedule and creating a bedroom environment that promotes relaxation starting with your mattress. Using fibers such as polyester can overheat your body at night and make you feel uncomfortable. Natural fibers like cotton and pure wool wicks your body’s moisture causing you to stay a little cooler so you can sleep better through the night. Don’t forget coverings such as blankets and even your pajamas which should also be made from natural fibers to help contribute to better nights  sleep.

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When it comes to purchasing a mattress many think short term. Buying a conventional mattress made from synthetic materials will only last for a couple years, then you will have to buy another one.  Many mattresses today are designed to keep the customer coming back. Spending money year after year to repurchase the same item.  Its time to start thinking for the long term. A CozyPure organic latex mattress is not designed for planned obsolescence. The organic mattress and organic bedding you purchase will last you for DECADES.  Think about how much money you are spending by just buying and replacing old mattresses. The money that is spent replacing an old mattress year after year can be used to pay for and  organic latex mattress and it will be your only mattress purchase for a very long time.


The benefits are well worth buying one! No sweating in bed, no permanent bed impressions. Just nice, cool, comfortable organic comfort.


INTERN Jamar DiggsJamar Diggs is a PR Communications and Social Media team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

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