Answers to “Where do you put your cell phone when going to bed?”

Following up with our previous blog post about sleeping with cell phones and why it isn’t a good idea, we
decided to poll the sleep snobs at CozyPure and see what their nightly routine is when it comes to “putting
their phone to bed.”

Here are the individual responses, to the question, “Where do you put your cell phone when going to bed?”

  • Cheryl – “I place mine on the bottom of the nightstand with a shirt over it so that the light will not distract me. I also have notifications turned off – the only sound that is on is the actual ringer. I started sleeping with it in the bedroom when my daughter left for college in case she needed to call. Before that I didn’t even bring it in to the bedroom at night. Sometimes I will listen to sleep/meditation music on youtube but I still keep it covered.”
  • Troy – “Wherever it ends up. I don’t really pay much attention to where it is when I go to bed. It just stays wherever I last used it.”
  • Susan – “I plug it in to charge in the bathroom in my bedroom. This way the light does not disturb my sleep but I can hear it if I get a call.”
  • Diane – “I plug it in on the nightstand.” We are going to have to make her read the last blog post!
  • Debbie – “Just wherever.” Debbie is our newest team member, she’ll learn to talk more to survive!
  • Sherry – “On the nightstand, on silent.” That’s a no-no, Sherry.
  • Cris – “In my purse on the floor because it is not good to have it on the nightstand.” Cris is a seasoned sleep snob.
  • Angela – “It is always on silent and usually on the floor beside the bed, although I’m guilty of falling asleep while scrolling through Facebook. How else will I know who to vote for?”
  • Hans – “In the other room, on the charger.” Perfect!
  • Rudy – “I just plug it in to charge on my nightstand.  If it rings, sometimes I answer it and sometimes I ignore it.”
  • TJ – “On the nightstand charging with the volume sky high. I want to make sure I don’t miss anything.” TJ is a popular guy!

Although research shows that a high percentage of people go to bed with their phones, we are not the norm (but we already knew that). Maybe it is because we all have such a love affair with our CozyPure mattress that we embrace sleep or maybe it is just because we are educated on all matters sleep related. Whatever the reason, I am glad to report that no one at CozyPure sleeps with their phone.

Coming soon: It claims to be organic. What does that really mean?