Answers to “Where do you put your cell phone when going to bed?”

Following up with our previous blog post about sleeping with cell phones and why it isn’t a good idea, we decided to poll the sleep snobs at CozyPure and see what their nightly routine is when it comes to “putting their phone to bed.” Here are the individual responses, to the question, “Where do you …

Sleeping With Your Smart Phone May Not Be So Smart

There are articles in the news every day about sleep – how to get more of it, why it is crucial, how to do it better, ways to enhance it – it’s how we spend a third of our life. In a recent article “Book Talk: The Sleep Revolution,” on Washington Life Magazine’s website, Erica …

Dear Sleep Diary

For those of you who can not get to sleep at night, or who have an incredibly hard time doing it, a sleep diary might not be such a bad idea. You see, the pros of a sleep diary include getting to know when and how you are falling asleep each night, what you might …

Best And Worst Foods For Your Sleep

We’ve all had those nights of tossing and turning for hours before finally falling asleep. Those nights are certainly unpleasant when one has to awake early on the next morning. Well, I’ve posted in the past about how music can aid in falling asleep, and how reducing your exposure to light in the hour before …

Cool Your Head While Sleeping – Use an Organic Pillow

Does a hot head prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep? Having to flip your pillow over in search of that elusive cool spot is more than just uncomfortable, experts say it can contribute to insomnia and cause you to miss out on precious sleep time. This can be an even bigger problem during …

Benefits of A Good Nights Sleep

Have you ever had days when you just can’t remember things? When it’s hard to even add something as simple as 2+2? It’s time to consider that sleep could be your problem. Sleep is very important in our everyday life. After a good nights sleep your thoughts are clearer, and your emotions are less fragile. …

Sleep Tips for A Better Nights Sleep

Do you toss and turn every night? There are a lot of factors that interfere with a good nights sleep. It could be pressure from work and family to relationship issues and illness. We can’t always control the factors that ruin our sleep but adopting habits that encourage a good nights rest is a great …