Happy Earth Day $100 Sweepstakes Giveaway

UPDATE May 6, 2011:

Congratulations to our winners!
We have contacted you via email so check your messages on how to retrieve your prize!

  • Nikolai Lemak
  • Nancy Case
  • Stephanie Siebert


Around here, every day is Earth Day, but on April 22nd we always like to do something a little special to celebrate this gorgeous planet we all live on.

For a minute, let’s forget about oil spills and discarded plastic bags floating in our waters. Instead let’s think about the beauty of a majestic mountain side, a quiet walk through a park, or the serenity of an isolated beach. These simple pleasures of nature are worth preserving – I don’t care which political party you’re devoted to… EVERY person needs the planet’s resources to LIVE, and it’s an extra treat to also enjoy her beauty.  Just try to imagine a world with no trees or beaches drenched with oil and debris. Where would we go on vacation?

It’s our simple choices that can make a difference. Little things like taking your own darn bag to the market. Make a commitment to try this for one month – or at least pledge not to use any plastic bags today. Just one day. Come on now, give it a try… you can do it.

To show our appreciation to our customers we’re GIVING AWAY THREE  GIFT CERTIFICATES to use at www.cozypure.com – manufacturers of green organic bedding that’s healthy and made to last. They also generate their own energy to operate their factory.  Organic bedding produced from the power of the wind and sun… How cool is that?

TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY simply fill out this form and let us know why you should win. That’s it – We like to keep things simple. We’ll randomly choose three lucky winners and post the names on our facebook wall.

If you’re not sure what to write maybe you should sleep on it… with a CozyPure® pillow of course.

  • One Winner will receive a $100 Gift Certificate
  • Two Winners will receive a $50 Gift Certificate

Now for all you folks who feel like you never win anything? Here’s a list of other super sales going on right now:

Good luck to everyone!
All of us here at Organic Comfort Zone want to wish you a very happy Earth Day. Remember no plastic bags today!!