The Problem With Plastic

The problem is that when plastic is not disposed of properly, or disposed of at all, it will ensure harmful environmental consequences. A plastic bag can take anywhere from 100 to 500 years to disintegrate! Plastic is a huge environmental threat, killing animals and clogging up rivers worldwide. The average usage time of a plastic …

Feed People, Not Landfills

An estimated 50 million Americans do not have access to enough food. If 50 million Americans alone do not have access to enough food, imagine how large the number of people around the world who do not have access to enough food is. That would be nearly one billion people! That means that one in …

Green is Good

I guess I’ve been on a health kick lately, but here is another food post. Eating organically will help boost the body’s immune system and other natural defenses, as well as keeping your complexion clear and your body trim. There are many ways to eat organically in this day and age and you should always …