In this day and age people all over are looking for ways to be greener, and if you are reading this blog right now you have already taken one giant step in the right direction. However, being green can be more than buying non-GMO foods and recycling plastic water bottles. In the case of what you drive to and from work each day you can either choose to be green, or you can choose not to be. However, although it may seem expensive to spend money on cars such as the Prius or the Fusion (both of which are great for going green) there are many other ways to save money and live green on the way to work.


First of all, if you can manage it and you want to stay in shape, it might be time to start biking or walking to work or to school. If the day is sunny and the weather nice, biking or walking is a great method of getting to work. it saves gas money, seeing as there is no gas involved in the process, and it’s great exercise too. Many people forget about the biking option because, of course, many people are too lazy to do it. This is not true in all cases, though. Some people don’t have the bike lanes in their city that promote safety for the bikers themselves. Some people live too far away from work and some people just don’t have time. That’s OK, there are other options.

Like I said in my first paragraph, the option to trade in your car for a car with better mileage, perhaps a Hybrid, would be a wonderful idea. However, it does not have to be a Hybrid, there are plenty of cars on the market that are much cheaper than Hybrids and still have excellent gas mileage. A car with 30 or more miles per gallon will typically save you money and help save the environment in the process. It’s not a bad idea to get a Hybrid, though, and in the end the gas savings that come from purchasing one will add up to be worth the amount of money that you spent on the car itself.

Another option is public transportation. If you live in a city where it is accessible and efficient then you should definitely go for this choice. It is typically cheaper than driving your own car to and from work everyday so long as you buy a pass that lasts for a month or a week. Public transportation includes anything ranging from the bus to the light rail to the subway. Most cities at least have a bus system that is capable of taking people where they need to go, so why not use it if you have it?


You can carpool with someone who works with you or goes to school with you. Carpooling saves a person from having to use more gas than needed as long as a good friend or co-worker can help you out with a ride. There should be no problem with it so long as you’re comfortable with the person whom you are riding with. Work out some details with them and you will be green to go.

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