Echoes of a Dream

Many of us have escapes that we use to get away from our day-to-day lives, and many of those escapes can be as simple as reading a book or watching a movie. Music, however, for the most part, seems to be universal in helping many people deal with their emotions. Music, and lyrics, and singing, …


Last night I was dead asleep when all of a sudden I’m in the middle of school, just about to enter my math room, when my teacher pulls me aside and begins to scold me. “Why weren’t you here last class?” He reprimands and I reply to him, wide-eyed, “I was here last class…” There …

Sleeping Outlets

Falling asleep is the constant struggle when you are too preoccupied with worrying thoughts. Staring at the clock only to find out that you still haven’t fallen asleep by one in the morning can be the twisting of the knife in your heart when you know that you will have a long and busy day …

Physiology of Sleep

The relation between sleep deprivation and weight gain is debatable, however there is some science behind the concept of it. The important question everyone has been asking since the beginning of sleep study is whether or not sleep has any physiological effects. A recent study performed on rats in which the experimental group went a …