Which Pillow Is Right For You?

Waking up with a stiff neck can be a pain; it can set your hole day up to be a struggle. It is very unpleasant to sit at a desk massaging your neck and shoulders to no avail. You wake up feeling worse than when you fell asleep all because your neck and shoulders have …

Kapok: The Tree of the Gods

Yesterday I wrote an article about wool, hoping to persuade those against it to join; however, I understand the integrity our customers hold and that some of them can not sacrifice their beliefs for a product, no matter how cozy it may be. This one goes out to all the vegans out there. I understand …

What is a Kapok pillow?

Have you ever wondered how CozyPure’s pillows are so soft? One of the materials that we use is Natural Kapok. Kapok is soft and silky and resembles the feeling of down but with more firmness and support. This unique material in our Bed Buddy Body Pillows and the Pure Kapok Organic Sleep Pillow. The Kapok …