Cuddle-Up Close

Sleeping alone can be liberating and all but sometimes its pretty nice to snuggle up with somebody. Most of us will have to use a pillow on most nights, wrapping their arms around the bag stuffed with latex or kapok or buckwheat, and that is fine. Perhaps two pillows might do even more justice in …

Live Longer, Live Healthier, Live Happier

The goal to achieve is that of immortality. Once you have made it there, you have made it to the top. What I mean by this is that living forever can be significant in many ways, in one way, the likelihood of you ever being forgotten is diminished. Also, it sounds nice to be young …

Eat Healthy, Sleep Healthy

Although the correlation between diet and sleep is unclear, there are many key components in one’s diet that might be either keeping you awake or putting you to sleep at night. First of all, seeing as about half of the population is addicted to caffeine then half of the population might also be staying awake …

Winter Superfoods – to get you away from that eggnog!

Winter is right around the corner and we all know what that has in store for us: Family, friends, and food. The Christmas season is quickly approaching and that always entails gorging upon food on food on food, as does Thanksgiving. The cold months just seem to conjure up the thought of eating in our …

Sleep Tips for A Better Nights Sleep

Do you toss and turn every night? There are a lot of factors that interfere with a good nights sleep. It could be pressure from work and family to relationship issues and illness. We can’t always control the factors that ruin our sleep but adopting habits that encourage a good nights rest is a great …