Now that 2014 is well under way, it might be time to actually begin trying to workout your ‘new’ years resolution. I myself have kept up a decent gym schedule, with the exception of March in which I spent a chunk of time vegging on the couch due to injury. Now that June is on the way, and I’m back in the gym, and “things are looking up, oh finally,” I think that it might be time to begin working on some more pressing resolutions. For one, I’d like to get some of my other work published online, or featured in magazines and what not. I should probably stop snacking, but things take time, right?


Many of you will be looking for ways to conserve the environment around you, and as I’ve posted before, there are literally hundreds of ways that you can help out without having to make any donations to BS organizations or even going more than within a blocks radius of your house. If you look around, and I mean really look around – and there are exceptions to this – but most neighborhoods will typically have a lot of trash lying around on the streets. We’ve become accustomed to this, especially in our own towns, and tend to not notice litter until its too late and there is a swarm of plastic bags angrily making their way across an empty parking lot, searching for its next host to latch onto a suffocate.

Now, granted, as I said before, there are exceptions, and for the most part there are a lot of neighborhoods that tend to remain pretty clean; however, there is always that trashy McDonald’s Styrofoam cup or that nasty, wet plastic bag, or the tragic array of broken beer bottles that one we will stumble across when trying to enjoy a stroll through the park. All I’m saying is that if you have a problem looking at these horrific sights then you should make it a resolution to pick it up, walk ten feet, twenty feet, half a mile, and throw it away. Perhaps you could go out with a trash bag and some gloves and pick up the trash in your neighborhood. If anything it will make you a Saint while everyone else draws their curtains and begins to resemble something more of a pig than human – at least in my eyes, that is what those who toss their trash to the wind on the freeway look like. And God forbid a condom washes up on the beach while your trying to catch some rays, at that point its time to pack up and leave. Leave for a better existence somewhere else.


When I’m out I do my best to pick up trash that is lying around so long as there is a trash can within eyesight. If not, no one is asking you to pick up someone else’ mess if you really don’t want to, and if there isn’t a dumpster in sight then who can blame you. In the end, what is really important is that you don’t actually contribute to the debris and filth that occupies our streets. This is our Earth, it’s the only one that we have. Screw YOLO, who cares if You Only Live Once if all you are doing is making the ecosystem fog up with smog and waste.

Other things that can be done include recycling your plastic and paper, and reusing various other household equipment. Perhaps using less hairspray or fa-breeze to lower the amount arousal cans being disposed will lighten Mother Nature’s load. Perhaps using less toxic chemicals to clean will alleviate the strain that is constantly taunting to rip apart our world. One of the best places to get in the mood for ‘saving the world and other extreme sports’ is in the bedroom, and now you can clean up your own bedroom with natural bedding from the Organic Comfort Zone, which features a wide array of cozy mattresses and pillows to blankets and pillow toppers. Don’t stop now, you’re on a roll with your new years resolutions, take it one step further and add CozyPure to your list of things to look into before the year is out.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.



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