Remodeling in a green light is on the rise in the United States. Many houses are even built in a green manor nowadays. If you are look good some good remodeling/decorating tips, look no further. Here are five tips to help you get started on your green home improvement project.

-Lots of open windows will bring in lots of natural light, which will help one cut down on electricity expenses and things of the sort. Not only is natural light green, but it is also beautiful, giving your bedroom/living room/whatever room and open feel, giving the impression of less clutter. Motes of dust swimming in the sunlight can even be considered elegant if looked at in the right angle. Polished surfaces such as hardwood floors or mirrors can also help introduce ample lighting into a room. Reflective glass tiling in one’s kitchen or bathroom is a great idea to incorporate light into your rooms, and the kitchen, above all, should receive ample light. After all, it is the heart of the home.

-Assure that your heating and air conditioning (among other essential living utilities) are of good quality. No need in spending extra money over time because your heating and air isn’t working the way it should be, no need to waste surplus energy that could be saved by checking your ventilation/insulation. Solar and wind energy is also very effective, if you can afford to install it. This is not to say that it does not come at a bargain, it’s just that you have to know where to look and whether or not you will have the means to do it.

-Keep a realistic budget in your sight at all times. There is no use in trying to do a whole bunch of big things that will run your wallet into the ground. Start small, begin with manageable things, DIY kind of things. Demolish those walls yourself, save money on contractors, this way you will have the savings to implement those solar panels or new windows with better insulation. It is all about how you spend your money, how far you can stretch your bargain, and how necessary some of your remodeling might be. Some things might need to be taken from your list in order to make room for others. This is OK! Going into a project expecting everything to get done on a budget that is only so big is never a good idea. Stretch your buck and save yourself.

-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! I can not stress this enough. Remodeling, redecorating, whatever you are doing, it is always a great idea to reuse old things. Thrifts stores and antique shops are great places to find bargains that will make a great addition to your home. Be on the lookout for things all around your neighborhood – old driftwood, furniture, antiques, etc. – there are SO many things that you can do with things that have been lost or thrown away. Always keep in mind that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.


-Landscape with native plants. grow your vegetable garden with seasonal crops. Rotate your soil. Compost. Keeping your garden alive and well is important not only for the environment but also for the aesthetic of your home. Would you rather sit out on your porch overlooking a yard full of dried up grass and soil or a garden full of life, thriving. Not only will this help with your home’s aesthetic, but it might also give you something to be proud of, something to keep you entertained, and off of those drug infested street corners.

Don’t forget that a greener mattress is not only a good redecorating decision that will help aid the environment in the long run, it is also an investment in natural, organic comfort.




eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.



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