Project Earth Day: Fashion Trashion Runway Show

As manufacturers of natural latex mattresses and organic bedding, CozyPure has a year-round dedication to earth-friendly practices.  Not only do we manufacture GREEN bedding using only renewable and sustainable materials, we are eco-conscious in all of our operating procedures right down to the light bulbs we use in our showroom and workshop.  Although we like …

Remodeling the Green Way

Remodeling in a green light is on the rise in the United States. Many houses are even built in a green manor nowadays. If you are look good some good remodeling/decorating tips, look no further. Here are five tips to help you get started on your green home improvement project. -Lots of open windows will …

Have a Green St. Patty’s Day!

As we know, everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s day, and, as we know, St. Patrick’s day is just a week away. While the actual holiday is on a Monday, the parades and such will be held over weekend, which means endless partying for some, and trash, trash, and even more trash to be swallowed …

Be Green: Start in Your Bedroom

If you are looking to live a “Greener’ lifestyle and save the world in the process, what better place is there to start than in your very own bedroom. Here are some Eco-Friendly tips that can help you keep your bedroom Green and save you money in the process. After all, we spend an average …

Coloring Your Bedroom

Did you know that the color of your bedroom can impact the quality of your sleep. For many, a blue room will do justice to your eyes because it promotes sleepiness while purple rooms stimulate the brain too much and can making sleeping a difficult task. Apparently yellow and green are also good sleep stimulants. …

Green is Good

I guess I’ve been on a health kick lately, but here is another food post. Eating organically will help boost the body’s immune system and other natural defenses, as well as keeping your complexion clear and your body trim. There are many ways to eat organically in this day and age and you should always …

Why Wool Is Cool

A huge problem that people have with buying wool is that it is an animal product, and with the way that animals are treated in modern civilization people are skeptical on the matter. However, sheep are not killed when wool is attained, and while some people do bring harm to their sheep we make sure …