The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift: SLEEP

It is no secret that moms are some of the most sleep-deprived people in the world. They tend to juggle responsibilities all day and spend countless hours at night thinking about how to juggle even more. Studies show that mothers with small children are seriously lacking sleep, which over time can have some pretty negative …

From Rubber Milk to Latex: How is your Latex processed?

In the past 25 years CozyPure has accumulated customers from all over the country; Even before the internet, we were able to serve customers nationally through our catalog. Since purchasing a mattress is quite the investment, we have customers call our Norfolk, VA facility every day asking questions to help them finalize their purchasing decision. …

As Seen on TV – Behind the Scenes at CozyPure Mattress Factory

There’s never a boring moment here at CozyPure.  Some days you come in to a ton of online orders, some days you are swamped with customers in our Norfolk, VA showroom, and some days it’s “lights, camera, action,” fortunately for me the latter isn’t too often. Today we were visited by Cheryl Tan and her …

The Benefits of the Outdoors

It has been said that when one is deprived of their natural habitat they will experience a slight physical and psychological breakdown. Studies show that students whose classroom environment is close to a park, or trees, will likely do better on their tests and such. Elders who live near parks will also be more likely …

When Choosing Your Latex Mattress

Before buying your next mattress you must keep some very important things in mind on your search. First of all, you have to wonder whether or not you are going to want – or need – to buy a new mattress, once again, within the next ten years. If the answer is yes, and you …

Which Pillow Is Right For You?

Waking up with a stiff neck can be a pain; it can set your hole day up to be a struggle. It is very unpleasant to sit at a desk massaging your neck and shoulders to no avail. You wake up feeling worse than when you fell asleep all because your neck and shoulders have …

Latex is Green, not Mean

“But latex isn’t natural!” Is the first thing that comes from my friends lips whenever I tell them that I make natural latex mattress’ as a part of my work. I simply smile and say “Yes it is,” and being the simple-minded yet stupefyingly deep teenagers that we are, that is usually where the conversation …