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While buckwheat filling is somewhat hard and crunchy, that does not mean that it is uncomfortable. The thing about buckwheat is that it conforms to your head and neck while also being dust mite resistant. Because it conforms to all of your bodily contours (head, neck) it is highly recommended by some chiropractors and physicians to relieve neck and spinal pain. CozyPure’s Organic Buckwheat pillows are encased with 100% Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified Organic damask fabric casing. While it remain relatively hard to recommend a pillow, a buckwheat pillow will equip anyone with a good nights rest. Especially during the hot summer months these pillows tend to stay a little cooler than the standard synthetic pillows; they aren’t exactly a ‘chillow’ but they are great for chilling out. Buckwheat pillows are filled with buckwheat hulls, which is different from latex, cotton, wool, or Kapok, which all can retain heat to a certain degree (not that they get ‘hot’.)



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


Eco-Tips Environment Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Natural Home Organic Apparel & Textiles Organic Clothing Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding Renewable Energy Sleep Tips

Cuddle-Up Close

Sleeping alone can be liberating and all but sometimes its pretty nice to snuggle up with somebody. Most of us will have to use a pillow on most nights, wrapping their arms around the bag stuffed with latex or kapok or buckwheat, and that is fine. Perhaps two pillows might do even more justice in that you can stuff one between your bony knees to supply further comfort and warmth. Its easy to wrap your arms around a soft pillow, close your eyes, and drift out into space. Some of us just can’t fall asleep without imagining that someone else is there with them, like Ray Davies penned and Cher, The Pretenders, The Kinks, and Sia can all verify. You can also fall asleep with your pet, or at least attempt to. The thing about pets is that they’re unpredictable, making them viable to being easily distracted and perhaps running away from your outstretched arms at the first gust of wind or the sound of footsteps on the sidewalk outside, leaving you alone, once again.


If you cuddle with your pillow, pet, or your partner, then spooning is universal. The thing about spooning is that you can do it with anything that you want. Granted that most times you will end up being the big spoon on most nights unless you really are cuddling with a person who won’t mind being the big spoon. However, all you have to do, when spooning someone – or something – is curl your body up against their own and wrap your arms around them and hold them. Talking is optional, and I would honestly rather talk to my pillow and keep my mouth shut when with a person to avoid screwing up the moment – but that’s just me. Spooning also promotes body heat and release endorphins.

Now here is one position that you can’t do with a pillow, you might do with a pet, and can definitely do with a person: face-to-face. This position is typically a romantic one, you know, the kind used for pillow talk and what not. All you have to do is lie down on your mattress and look straight into the eyes of the other person. Perhaps you can hold hands, perhaps your legs will be entwined, either way you’ll be sure to have an intimate time with your partner, whether its your pet or your lover. Remember to get comfortable, because if you aren’t comfortable, your partner won’t be either. The best way to get comfortable is to assure that you’re on the right bedding.

There is always the half-spoon, which can be executed by one person lying down face up with their arm stretch out beside them, with either their hand beneath their head or wrapped around the second person. Their partner proceeds to place their head on the others chest, most likely wrapping their own arm around the other person’s waist. Cuddling comes with its pitfalls – such as the occasional dead body part and face full of hair, but its benefits outweigh its cons in that it promotes good health, kills depression, and improves communication skills while also leaving one with a positive disposition.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


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Sleep Your Way to the Top

Ever wonder why your teenager is always moping around the house, lazy as ever, and seemingly distant? Maybe its because they are staying up all night texting and talking and crying and writing bad poetry instead of getting the sleep that they need. Not to discourage the social order of children and teens in this day and age – because lets face it, there will always be the social hierarchy no matter where you go – and not to discourage the making of the next Sylvia Plath – because lets face it, Lorde can’t take her place forever – but teens do need the most sleep out of all ages. Teen-hood is when our bodies are struggling through puberty and our brains are trying their damnedest to push past the constant pain of wishy-washy hormones. The fact that school begins before the break of dawn in most places does not help out the cause of our reckless youth at all – in fact, it could be making them more anxious, more reckless, more defiant.


Parents – except not just parents because as a teen you are old enough to call some shots yourself – should be assuring, or at least recommending that their child get the proper amount of rest each night in order to perform their best the next day. Teens should be getting at least 8 1/2 hours of sleep each night (although 9 is ideal) but many don’t go to bed until one and wake up by six in the morning. Sure, I’m not saying that school schedules should be adjusted for those who do go to bed at one because they’re up all night socializing, that’s their own choice; however, a little slack granted upon those who try their hardest to sleep at least 7 hours a night should be rewarded, perhaps school can be adjusted to start a half an hour later, that’s a whole extra half an hour of sleep.

Also, it’s a treacherous thing to set that alarm clock for the earliest possible time and then press the snooze button five times after it has gone off. I used to think that this was a good idea, I would set my alarm for six and then press snooze until it was six thirty, I thought it would be the perfect way to ease me into my waking state. I was wrong. Doing this screws with your sleep cycle in odd ways. It makes one more groggy because in those five to ten minutes before your alarm rings again you might tread the thin line between sleep and consciousness, which is hurtful to a persons sleep-wake cycle when they are so rudely awakened once more by that more-than-annoying alarm clock (because even the radio can be a nuisance in the AM.) I now set my alarm for six thirty and press snooze only once before I force myself out from underneath the impeccable, insatiable, immaculate comfort that lies in the arms of my  wool comforter. I’m melting just thinking about it, if there is one thing that the stiff morning hours bring is the grief of waking up only to be thrust into the wild hallways of my high school (#thankGodforGraduation), which in turn reminds me to be thankful for all the small luxuries in my life (i.e. my wool comforter!)

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What a refreshing experience that a good nights sleep actually is. When I wake up after getting at least seven hours of sleep (because yes, with our busy schedules in this day and age, even I can’t be expected to always get the recommended eight hours of sleep – unless its a weekend.) And why do you have to go and make things so complicated by running yourself insane with sleep deprivation? Just turn off the lights and shut your eyes! Sure, I know you want to get caught up on your favorite TV show, and you will, in time. But watching TV before bed can be just as damaging to our sleep as anything else. The light that radiates from the TV screen/computer screen/smartphone/tablet/PSP screen is detrimental to our bodies natural production of melatonin, which aids in the process of falling asleep when necessary. My best advice is – if you’re tired, and it’s past eight, then it’s time for bed. And who can honestly resist the warm comfort that an organic  mattress entails? Who can escape the sweet seduction of a cuddle-ready mattress and other various natural bedding? Who needs a cuddle buddy when you have your La’Noodle pillow (because they don’t steal your blankets from you, and they won’t kick you in their sleep.)

So once again, I stress the fact that one must attain the proper rest in order to perform at their peak and take the world by storm.

As Arianna Huffington quotes that she “slept her way to the top,” quite literally, and there may not be any other way to get there.

Studies show that sleeping helps our brain process information quicker so that we can spend more quality time doing the things that need to be done. Even taking a short nap mid-day can help one think clearer. Instead of giving up sleep how about we give up other vices, such as that midnight margarita. I’m not trying to preach about giving up your social life and locking your doors every night at eight-o-clock because its bedtime. If its a weekend and your friends want you to go out, carpe diem, but when its time to work the best thing that you can do to get the best results is to clock in some quality sleep.


I saw these guys in concert the other night and thought that I might post this video (yes, I took my own videos but I also took them on my phone and the video is actually pretty good for the whole one pixle in it) because this song is so beautiful. Turn out all the lights, close your eyes, and drift away.


And remember to get the best sleep that you can each night so that one day you might be as talented as these guys, or any one else that you might aspire to be like when you grow up – because your always going to be growing up, don’t ever let age stop you from following your dreams.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


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When Choosing Your Latex Mattress

Before buying your next mattress you must keep some very important things in mind on your search. First of all, you have to wonder whether or not you are going to want – or need – to buy a new mattress, once again, within the next ten years. If the answer is yes, and you think that buying a mattress every ten years is a good idea, then you have been sleeping on the wrong mattress’ for far too long. If your bed starts to wear down within a couple of years, overcome by dust-mites and destroyed by time and erosion, then you are either a.) having TOO much fun on your mattress, or b.) your mattress plain sucks. Durability is a sure sign of whether or not you have succeeded in purchasing a quality bed – or anything for that matter, and lets face it, they just aren’t making things these days like they used to. In fact, many mattress’ these days are made so that they can break down in only a matter of years, and therefore the company can sell more product once the customer once again goes into the market.

CozyPure LaNoodle Topper

Believe me when I say that a mattress is not a product that you want to be looking for the cheapest version of. The thing about your bed is, that whether you like it or not, you are going to be spending up to one third of your entire life on it with your face pressed against the pillow, with your body matted to the cushion, so you are going to want to invest in something that is, I don’t know, worth the investment… Try looking for key words such as “quality” versus “cheap” and “organic” over “synthetic”. The reason you want to buy the best quality product is, of course, in case you didn’t see the word the first couple of times that I used it, because of the QUALITY! You don’t want to spend money on something that is going to break down because then you’ll just be spending money on money trying to find a product to replace it, so why not just bite the bullet and buy something that will last for years the first time around. Also, spending money on petroleum based products just sounds icky, especially in the case of your bedding which your face is pressed up on all night and your lungs inhaling the fibers around you.


There are many different mattress’ to choose from, and in those mattress’ there are many things that you yourself can do in order to make it fit your own needs. You can order a triple layered mattress or you can order a core, its your choice. Ordering a mattress with more layers gives you the option to remove them if necessary, and ordering a core foundation gives you the option to order pieces to place on top of your mattress. Its good to keep your options open, on the bed, off the bed, in the bed, its always good to have options no matter which way you might spin it. “Zoning works by providing more density (firmness) where you need it most (center of the bed). We created lateral zones which are symmetrical so the head and foot are the same, and the shoulder and lower-leg zones are the same, with the large middle section in the center third of the mattress acting as the most expansive zone. This allows easy rotation of your mattress keeping the more critical zones in-tact (shoulder area and mid-section).”

A flame retardant mattress is a good mattress. Nowadays mattress’ must be manufactured to meet federal guidelines, which ensure that one’s mattress won’t, you know, burst into flames at any given moment (not that mattress’ are particularly known to spontaneously com bust or anything, but there is always the odd cigarette fire and what not.) Many people resort to meeting these guidelines by adding more chemicals to cancel out the other chemicals that will aid in igniting the fire. A popular method among natural latex bedding that is used to combat flames is the use of wool batting either in the latex itself or in the mattress casing. Also, the great thing about the use of organic cottons and wools in one’s bedding is that these components are good for wicking away moisture, which you might find will keep you from waking up in a puddle of your own sweat at night. These materials also enable air flow, unlike synthetic fibers they ‘breathe’ with your body.




eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


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Take More Steps In The Healthy Direction

It takes dedication, perseverance, and above all, sacrifice in order to be the best and healthiest person that you can be. In the same way that it depends just as much as what you put on your plate in staying healthy and how much workout time that you clock in each day, there are other contributing factors such as sleep and stress relief can also have a large impact on your health. Never forget that being yourself is what drives your world and that the deeper you dig inside of yourself the more that you will find you are capable of.

To be healthy you must not only feel it in your own body, but also in your mind. Without confidence in yourself, and determination in what you are doing, the harder that it will be to become the healthiest that you can. Trying new and exciting things is a great way to keep you on your toes and an even better way to find out all that you are made of. Sometimes there is just nothing better than that adrenaline rush that you get the first time that you jump off of a cliff and into the water below, that spike in your blood pressure that jolts yours steady, beating heart into a whole new life cycle. Moving in for that kiss or finally letting someone with a strong impression on your life know exactly how you really feel – whether they be a good influence or a bad influence, the best thing to do sometimes is to get it off of your chest. You’ll realize that the more that you do this, the more that you let yourself go and stop caring what the world thinks, the freer that you will become. The happier your mind will be, and the healthier your entire being will become.

Stay active. I know you’ve heard it a million times, but getting off of your butt and actually moving is a great idea. Movement at any time of the day is really great, but a decent walk after a big meal or a fatty meal is ideal. This helps with the digestive process as well as speeding up one’s metabolism. A great way to blast fat, though, is to shoot for a High Intensity Interval Workout. These workouts, in which you go as hard as you can for thirty seconds to a minutes, and then rest for the same amount of time is excellent in boosting one’s metabolism and shredding fat quickly. Remember not to give up just because you do not notice results immediately (if results are what you are looking for ) because all of the best things in life are worth sweating for.

track athlete

Remembering to not only keep up with your fitness but to also track what goes inside of you is also a big part of maintaining health. Beefing up on fruits and vegetables has been burned into the minds of children all over the world, and yet these are the things that so many of us hate. I remember myself despising spinach in my youthful years, but that was because I despised steamed spinach. I had never been introduced to the spinach salad until my late tweenhood, and thus never knew what I was missing. It was like eating a salad with lettuce, only healthier. Don’t forget to introduce yourself and those around you to new recipes as much as you can. You will never know what kinds of foods you might love or hate until you actually try them, and even then, you might never know until you try it multiple times cooked different ways.

Drink plenty of fluids, and by that I mean water. Eliminating sodas and other sugary drinks from your diet will help reduce the risk of heart disease dramatically and can also have a slimming affect on the tummy. Drinking a bottle of water or two before any meal can significantly decrease the amount of calories consumed in one sitting due the the filling effect that the water can have on a person’s stomach. This is not to say that every small choice must be weighed drastically each time that they must be made. If you are going to a bar then of coarse you aren’t going to drink bottles upon bottles of water, but it also doesn’t imply that you must consume baskets upon baskets of cheese fries. Everything is good in moderation, including those sugary drinks and those beers and margaritas that you love to enjoy on the beach. These things only become a problem when a person becomes dependent upon them.

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Lastly you want to assure that you are not only getting the best sleep possible, but that you are sleeping in the best environment possible. This means turning down the lights, turning down the Nirvana, and creating a peaceful place that you can associate with rest, and comfort. A great way to assure that you are getting the healthiest sleep imaginable is by assuring that you are getting the greenest sleep possible. It’s hard enough to fall asleep with all the bustling and buzzing of today’s society, but adding in a toxic waste bin underneath your head at night is the worst part of it all. With all the chemicals pumped into our bedding these days it is hard to know which bed is worse for you. So why not choose which one is the best! Choose natural latex and enjoy the sleep of the Gods because you deserve it and your health can depend on it.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


Eco-Tips Environment Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Made in the USA Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Natural Home Organic Clothing Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding Products & Sales Sleep Tips

Comforter Vs. Bedspread

When trying to determine whether you would like to buy a bedspread or a comforter, it might be a good decision to leave style out of the question. If you don’t like how a comforter looks compared to a bedspread, choose a duvet cover that you can slip over the comforter so that you can enjoy how it looks and how it feels. Bedspreads can end up being scratchy and uncomfortable, and typically do not provide the same kind of insulation as a comforter will.

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Also, just because you live in a warmer climate, this does not mean that a comforter is not a worthy asset – after all, we never know when the next ice age could happen… Anyways, wool comforters tend to breathe with ones body, allowing for you to enjoy your rest in no matter what climate you are in. Sure, if its 100 degrees and unimaginably humid and your air conditioning just HAD to break that night, a wool comfortable might not be the best idea. But there is no harm in having a comforter handy for those chilly nights. The best part about natural wool comforters made with organic cotton is that they aren’t scratchy or uncomfortable on one’s skin. You can sleep in the nude and it will still be oh-so soft on you. Personally, I myself still use my comforter in the hot summer months, but hey, that could be just me!

Some people worry about their blankets not being able to cover their entire mattress and then some. Some people want their bedspread or comforter to flow all the way down to the floor. I wonder why people want this, though. When your sheets and such touch the floor they most likely will pick up dust and other debris from your floor. Nobody should want to sleep in a mess of dust and dirt, this is the twenty-first century. And again, if it comes back to being a style thing, why not purchase a bed skirt. That way you can use the bed skirt to cover up whatever ungodly mess that you might be trying to hide underneath of your mattress, while also being able to use whatever blanket that you choose, no matter what length it may be.

In conclusion, bedspreads typically are strictly for the use of aesthetics; however, some people do enjoy the use of these items as blankets. There are other options, though, if you definitely DO NOT want to purchase a comforter. Sheets and other various cotton and sateen blankets can be made to fit your style. Typically, sheets won’t have a person suffering through the night in a hot sweat no matter how hot it is and they provide that layer of safety that some people need to feel in order to fall asleep. If you’re still sweating through the night perhaps you need to see a specialist.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


Eco-Tips Environment Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Miscellaneous Natural Fibers Organic Clothing Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding


Remember when Subway had plastic in their bread? It turns out that they’re not the only ones, but at least they have promised to discontinue their line of plastic bread. It is not that the bread is actually made from plastic (because that would be insane), however, the product did contain a certain chemical – Azodicarbonide – which was used as a bleaching agent in breads, is also the same chemical used in plastic as a foaming agent. Seeing as many people throw plastic to the wind these days, for our environment to choke on, its pretty ironic that many are actually munching on the product themselves in the comfort of their own living rooms and kitchens.

You see, many products sold from the grocery store contain Azodicarbonide, and many fast food places still create their munchies with the ingredient. In fact, the chemical is found in nearly 500 products, including Wonder Bread, Little Debbies, and White Castle’s microwavable hamburgers.

Experts say that there is not enough of the ingredient added into the bread to make it toxic to us humans. That sentence alone has so many things wrong with it. The fact that a toxic chemical – in any dosage – is being administered into our food is disgusting. Repulsive! Steer clear of your white bread, that stuff will kill you. Stay away from that Pillsbury Dough-boy because you know that wherever he goes trouble is sure to follow. Hostess honey buns are OUT of the question! My goodness, what will we survive off of?

I don’t know why it irks me so much that they are putting chemicals into our food products – oh wait, maybe it’s because they are putting chemicals into our food products! And it is saddening that our society as a whole has been resorting to this kind of grotesque processing in almost every product. Fabrics and bedding dipped in petroleum and formaldehyde. Pesticides. The list goes on and on. It gets worse, though. We, as a society, give in to this kind of stuff. We purchase these products so that they can be made again and again, not thinking about the harm that it is inducing on us and our environment. Luckily here at CozyPure we don’t dip our products in oil and ship them off to our ‘happy’ customer, knowing that every night they are putting their heads on a fire hazard.

Of course, there are always the healthier, non-toxic foods on our supermarket shelves. Some of these foods include locally grown fruits and vegetable, whole wheat breads (although certain brands must be watched out for) and meats such as poultry and fish (preferably free range, but not necessary.) Quaker Oats, Simply Organic, and Peppridge Farm products tend to stay away from the use of Azowhatever in their breads. So next time that you are at the store, keep this in mind: you never know what you’re eating until you actually read the ingredients – and you never REALLY know what you’re eating until you are able to pronounce the ingredients.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


Eco-Tips Environment Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Natural Home Organic Clothing Organic Comfort Renewable Energy

Spring Into Green

Spring is FINALLY here! And so are all of the things that it entails: new life, new beginnings, and cleaning. That’s right, it’s finally time to de-clutter that mess that you call a house and make room for all of the new things that life might throw at you this year. Not all things will be good, and not all things will be bad, but of course you probably figured that as you rummaged through all of your 2013 paraphernalia, looking at the things that collected dust on your shelves as the year stormed by with all of it’s frigidness. However, now its finally time to scrap all of that old stuff and bring in some fresh air, its time to start a new.

The first thing that you must remember when spring cleaning is the age old motto: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Remember to reduce the amount of cleaning products being used because you might be surprised at how much one wipe can take when cleaning off counters and tables. Also, instead of using harmful deodorizers, instead open all of your windows, let the sun and fresh air sweep through your household, put the fan on, and let nature do the deodorizing. Recycle all of the old plastic and newspapers that you never got around to reading, no need to promote landfills when the materials can be used again. Also, don’t forget to purge your closet and give all of your old garments to a local thrift store. Reuse the things in your house that aren’t past their prime yet, this can promote environmental safety while also saving you a buck in the process. Restrain from using harmful chemicals when cleaning your house and remember to blast your jams as loud as they will go, you know, to bring in the good vibes, maaaannnnnn.


Like a previous post, I’m going to put in the idea that biking or walking to work can be great for your overall fitness, wallet, and ecosystem. Carpooling or public transportation are both great, green options that can help one get to work (remember that with carpooling you can use the HOV lane!) If you’ve tried all of this and none of it works out in your favor, it might be time to trade in your old car for one that is better on gas, which is ultimately the greener choice anyways.

It’s spring time! What better time of year is there to start your fresh herb garden, or garden in general. Sure, there are some seeds that you should have planted back in October that would be blooming now, but don’t dwell on the past. it’s time to plant some of your other favorite plants, be it flowers, trees, grass (bamboo!), vegetables, or fruit. There is no better time to begin than now, when the breeze is cool but the sun is hot. Seize the beautiful day, we’ve gotten so few of them thus far this year. Don’t forget to begin composting if you haven’t already.

Now that you’ve been briefed on some fun ways to begin your spring cleaning go and try them out. Also, remember that there is no better way to clean out your dusty bedroom (with old mattress’ ridden with dust, etc.) than by going organic. CozyPure’s natural latex is dust mite resistant and last for years and years on end, no need to worry about having to replace it because it is musty and certainly no need to replace it because its old anytime soon.


Eco-Tips Environment Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Made in the USA Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Natural Home Organic Apparel & Textiles Organic Clothing Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding

Go Green For Spring

Ever wonder what might be considered fashionable in the world of being ‘Green’? Well, first of all, if you are buying all of your clothes from Walmart or Target, chances are that those products were produces overseas in dirty factories by people who receive a penny an hour. So, if you’re wondering whether or not Walmart and other stores of the sort are lined with ‘Green’, or even good, fashion then you are probably searching through the wrong stores.

As spring approaches we look back to the year of 2013, when green was widely used by fashion designers both literally and figuratively. Green on the runway symbolized both a fashion statement and an Eco-statement, teaching the fashionistas of today how to sport organic clothing. Designer Stella McCartney once took home Britain’s Designer of the Year award, and, get this, without the use of leather. This should prove to people all over the world that fashion, even the high class/fur coat/leather belt kind, does not always have to be harmful to be hot. Animal furs and skins do not always need to be used in order to make a great article of clothing, and in this day and age, they shouldn’t be. We are not living in tribes along the coastline, hunting for our own food anymore. It’s time to make a change, no only in fashion but in every department that has not already gone green!

tumblr_m1v419fAKG1qdhvxho1_500 (Here is an example of a great thrift store find, found at

The first place that you can shop for clothing that was not necessarily made with the intent to be ‘Green’ but can still definitely be considered Eco-friendly is the Thrift Store. Because the clothes and other items that are sold in these stores are not technically ‘Green’ many people do not see it as an Eco-friendly store, but the thing about thrift stores is that they recycle old clothing, which reduces landfill waste while also putting the clothing to good use. Also, thrift stores are chock full of trendy clothing, boasting an array of all kinds of fashion-friendly tops, pants, and accessories. Always keep in mind that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, so don’t completely block out the thought of shopping at a thrift store the next time you are looking for cute clothes. Be sure to go through your closet and find old clothes that you do not wear any more and donate them to your local thrift shop too. Not only is it better for the Earth than throwing them away, but also because what goes around comes around and when you put out a pair of jeans that once might have looked good on you, perhaps you’ll find yourself a new pair of jeans.

Also on the rise is an increase of products being produced in the United States. America depends on it’s economy and with American made products we would not thrive. Still, not nearly as many products are being made and sold in America as there are being outsourced and then sold in America. With celebrities endorsing the idea of the American dream, waving flags about in their videos, oh-so patriotically. The sad fact of the matter is that many clothing lines produce flag printed Tees and other ‘patriotic’ items that are made in China. Next time you’re shopping at Urban outfitters check the tags and see for yourself just how many of the overly priced items are actually made in America. Stepping up and finding clothes that are made in the USA can help largely in both the economy and the ecology of our nation, and our Earth as a whole.

Remember to sleep on an Eco-friendly bed from the Organic Comfort Zone when all of the hustle and bustle from the day is said and done. Nothing is better than curling up underneath a warm blanket and letting the soft whisper of sleep call you into it’s clutches, and with an organic CozyPure mattress you’ll wake up more refreshed than ever. Bringing Eco-friendly products into your daily life can not only help the environment, but it could also help with personal issues. Eco clothing and bedding materials have less chemicals in them, which means that they are easier on the skin and other body parts. Using these products can truly change yours, and every one else’ world, for the better. So think ‘Green’, think ‘Organic’!

Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Natural Home Organic Apparel & Textiles Organic Clothing Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding Sleep Tips

Living Actively

Have you ever wondered about what it might be like to actually hit the gym instead of making a million excuses not to? Do you ever wonder about what some of the benefits of exercise might have on the human body? Well – besides the obvious health benefits – exercise can help you out in other ways too.

First of all, you must know that one’s body temperature tends to decline as night falls upon them, therefore, making the person want to fall asleep. When you exercise your body temperature increases as much as two degrees, and it tends to stay at this elevated temperature for a time span of four to five hours. When you work out in the late afternoon your body temperature begins to drop within a few hours, or, around bedtime, making one feel more tired due to physical exhaustion and a lowering body temperature.

track athlete

In all of the ways that exercise can improve one’s sleep, sleep can have the same benefits on one’s exercise. For instance, a good night’s sleep can improve a person’s immune function, while also reducing stress and leaving one feeling revitalized and alive. When you enjoy a good night’s sleep your body will be more eager to do healthy activities such as getting exercise and remaining active throughout the day. When combined, the proper amount of sleep and exercise can improve a person’s mood, light a candle in the bedroom, and, contrary to popular belief, exercise can actually be fun!

Simple, and fun activities one might enjoy as exercise will range from strolling around the block to swimming in the lake. Going to the gym every now and then and doing a bit of intense training could never be harmful, but it does not have to be necessary in order to live an active, healthy lifestyle. Keeping yourself on your toes and taking time away from the tube every now and then is what keeps us lively and functioning.

Going out and staying active is cheap and easy. Walking your dog or biking around your neighborhood are both fun and free things to do. Go out and enjoy the sun, or stay in and become withered and pale, its your choice, but in the end, the healthy choice is the active choice. In reality, and in this day and age especially, staying fit is made even easier because with the invention of workout DVDs and video games such as Just Dance people are able to make better use of their time spent indoors. There are so many things to do, and all can help one sleep. After a long day of hustling and bustling, whether it was for work or for your own personal enjoyment, finding your way into a warm, cozy mattress at night is always the cherry on top of the sundae. Make your sleeping experience, and body recovery, more enjoyable with a CozyPure mattress and other bedding materials from the Organic Comfort Zone.