The Benefits of the Outdoors

It has been said that when one is deprived of their natural habitat they will experience a slight physical and psychological breakdown. Studies show that students whose classroom environment is close to a park, or trees, will likely do better on their tests and such. Elders who live near parks will also be more likely …

Cuddle-Up Close

Sleeping alone can be liberating and all but sometimes its pretty nice to snuggle up with somebody. Most of us will have to use a pillow on most nights, wrapping their arms around the bag stuffed with latex or kapok or buckwheat, and that is fine. Perhaps two pillows might do even more justice in …

Sleep Your Way to the Top

Ever wonder why your teenager is always moping around the house, lazy as ever, and seemingly distant? Maybe its because they are staying up all night texting and talking and crying and writing bad poetry instead of getting the sleep that they need. Not to discourage the social order of children and teens in this …

When Choosing Your Latex Mattress

Before buying your next mattress you must keep some very important things in mind on your search. First of all, you have to wonder whether or not you are going to want – or need – to buy a new mattress, once again, within the next ten years. If the answer is yes, and you …

Take More Steps In The Healthy Direction

It takes dedication, perseverance, and above all, sacrifice in order to be the best and healthiest person that you can be. In the same way that it depends just as much as what you put on your plate in staying healthy and how much workout time that you clock in each day, there are other …

Remodeling the Green Way

Remodeling in a green light is on the rise in the United States. Many houses are even built in a green manor nowadays. If you are look good some good remodeling/decorating tips, look no further. Here are five tips to help you get started on your green home improvement project. -Lots of open windows will …

Spring Into Green

Spring is FINALLY here! And so are all of the things that it entails: new life, new beginnings, and cleaning. That’s right, it’s finally time to de-clutter that mess that you call a house and make room for all of the new things that life might throw at you this year. Not all things will …

Have a Green St. Patty’s Day!

As we know, everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s day, and, as we know, St. Patrick’s day is just a week away. While the actual holiday is on a Monday, the parades and such will be held over weekend, which means endless partying for some, and trash, trash, and even more trash to be swallowed …

Be Green: Start in Your Bedroom

If you are looking to live a “Greener’ lifestyle and save the world in the process, what better place is there to start than in your very own bedroom. Here are some Eco-Friendly tips that can help you keep your bedroom Green and save you money in the process. After all, we spend an average …