
New Comforts on the Horizon

The recent Mother Earth News magazine talks about “Easy Solar Power”. Believe it or not, we still get calls about this occasionally. Since my hubby left the business six years ago, we nixed the Solar stuff (that was his forte), and we’ve concentrated on the “organic comfort” end of things. We’ve certainly changed over the years. Way back when, before the dot-com era, there weren’t many resources for folks to get things, and we helped by trying to offer as many “eco” things as possible in our catalog. Now that more items are available in various places, we’ve been able to focus on our specialty of producing organic bedding, clothing and body care. So as we let go of the old standbys such as cleaning supplies, fair trade gifts and books, be on the lookout for new “organic comfort” products that we have in development now. As soon as our testing is complete, we’ll be offering these new items in the near future!


Hi, I’m Hans. How may I help you?

Hi, you guessed it, my name is Hans and I am the newest addittion to the Tomorrows World Family and the ONLY GUY here! Already several of you have commented on the fact that you have never spoke to a male at Tomorrows World and now that has changed. I come to you with several years experience in both customer service and retail and look forward to helping you in any way I can

Natural Bedroom

All the info you need for Organic Bedding….

The new and improved CozyPure website is full of great information on organic bedding. We’re really proud to see how many details we’ve been able to add to the site for our customers benefit. We’ve included lots of information in regards to the many questions you all have and it is our hope to be helpful. If you are researching organic bedding and organic mattresses for your healthy bedroom, be sure to visit .

Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Organic Apparel & Textiles

Chemicals and Breast Cancer

There was an interesting article in “Ms.” Magazine about breast cancer targeted to geographical areas. Apparently certain parts of the country are at higher risk because of the surrounding environment (and the chemicals).

Of specific interest: “Some researchers maintain… that it reflects the advent of many new synthetic chemicals after World War II, including petrochemicals and plastics. These chemicals’ presence in the environment has leapt from 350-fold in the last five decades, according to the book “A Scientific Detective Story” (Dutton Books, 1996). They argue that since many of these chemicals are hormone-disrupting, they may well contribute to the rise in reproductive cancers and other chronic diseases.”

Just another good reason to go organic! There are NO petrochemicals in our organic bedding or apparel, so it’s an easy way to eliminate that crap out of your life. In fact, switching to organics is probably the easiest way to improve your health and lifestyle, without going to the gym or going on a diet (not that they are bad things – but they can sometimes be hard – LOL). So organics are definitely something every coach potato should embrace!


To “Zzzz” or not to “Zzzz”

I had a very interesting call today about our organic percale bedding sheets. The customer is so excited about his new sheets that he recently ordered. He was surprised how good he’s been sleeping lately. He said “I’d never imagined that such a simple set of organic bed sheets could affect the quality of my sleep”. Needless to say he had placed another order for our organic wool pillows.


Photo Shoots and Mayhem

We had another photo shoot today. A few toddlers running around – cute as they were, it was hard to grab a photo without the BLUR factor. But we did find one of the little girl, early on in the session. It is somewhat serene, and it works. So, we’ll go with that for the next catalog and hope our customers understand the quietness in the image of her on the mattress. The kids really did seem to enjoy frolicking on the different organic beds — this one, that one – and that one – and another one. It was just so hard to keep pace with them (two and four years old, you got the vision?). Look for the photo in the next catalog mailing next month~

Organic Apparel & Textiles

We’ve Come A Long Way Baby . . .

Organic Cotton has come a long way, and we think this is wonderful. The fact that there are now famous celebrities joining the cause, and getting the word out, helps tremendously. Choosing organic cotton makes a lot of sense. It’s a premium fiber that feels soft against your skin, but more than that, it’s a fiber that also delivers the things we need. No chemicals to touch your skin, and none that harm the farm workers. And least we forget, no toxins leaching into our environment. It’s a mind-set that some people get, and some people don’t. The folks that “get it” have helped this industry gain strong steps in awareness. The folks that don’t understand, are usually just unaware of the great benefits and how it all comes full-circle. With ongoing support from customers that know they really make a difference, and with retailers like Tomorrow’s World who sacrifice over-the-top profits for integrity… perseverance shall prevail, and we shall overcome (hey, I heard that somewhere before). We said it over a decade ago: You DO make a difference. Every person, every where. Look how far we’ve come in just the past ten years! We envision a world where organic is the norm, and the preferred choice for everyone. Together, we can make it happen. Choose organic ~ it’s our future.

Miscellaneous Organic Apparel & Textiles

Walmart slave labor takes away USA jobs

<font face=”Arial”>US consumers continue to fund China’s military modernization, even as they erode their own economy and employment at home. Even worse, Wal-Mart shoppers are supporting forced labor camps where the healthiest inmates are executed for “organ harvesting”. Wal-Mart also buys heavily from slave labor manufacturing zones, where women workers are typically paid 3 cents an hour or less for 70 to 90-hour work weeks. Full story <a href=””>here</a>. </font>

<font face=”Arial”><strong>THREE CENTS AN HOUR.</strong> Geez. What a bargain that $10 tee shirt is for you! Walmart paid about fifty cents for it (including the fabric).  So as that bargain tee takes away American jobs, promotes slave labor (in countries that have no labor laws), and produces outrageous markups (yet still pays their employees at the bottom of the scale)…. it also takes away our dignity as people. That freakin’ smiley face they use as a logo, is worse than burning the American flag, IMHO. Support USA apparel and textiles. Stop the slave labor. Bring the industry back home so we have work here. If YOU don’t care, THEY don’t care. Vote with your purchases. It really does make a big difference.</font> The USA cut & sews are going, going….

Organic Apparel & Textiles

USA Textiles – Once Upon a Time

U.S. textile plants are often located in small rural communities in the Southeast and often represent the major source of employment and taxes for many towns and cities. When a textile mill closes, the entire community feels the ramifications, with local businesses, churches and government being hurt. The industry is a primary employer of women and minorities.
<em>Source: National Council of Textile Organizations</em>

That’s one of the reasons we produce our organic textile brands here, because going overseas affects OUR communities and OUR families. We’re all for “fairtrade” overseas, but mostly for artisan-crafted goods, items that are unique to that specific area. But to cut and sew our garments? Why are we taking jobs away from Americans in this industry? One answer: It’s cheaper over there. If we keep going at this pace, we’ll all be working at Walmart. Your purchases cast a vote… Support USA garment workers!  Your neighbor may thank you.


Tape tape tape the box

You know around here, I don’t sing row row row your boat. I prefer tape tape tape the box. And the stronger the tape the better! We had a bad batch of tape not long ago… couldn’t wait to get the real stuff. Good tape means our customers get their items in great condition. That’s my job.. and I’m “sticking” to it.

By Cris