Miscellaneous Organic Apparel & Textiles

Walmart slave labor takes away USA jobs

<font face=”Arial”>US consumers continue to fund China’s military modernization, even as they erode their own economy and employment at home. Even worse, Wal-Mart shoppers are supporting forced labor camps where the healthiest inmates are executed for “organ harvesting”. Wal-Mart also buys heavily from slave labor manufacturing zones, where women workers are typically paid 3 cents an hour or less for 70 to 90-hour work weeks. Full story <a href=””>here</a>. </font>

<font face=”Arial”><strong>THREE CENTS AN HOUR.</strong> Geez. What a bargain that $10 tee shirt is for you! Walmart paid about fifty cents for it (including the fabric).  So as that bargain tee takes away American jobs, promotes slave labor (in countries that have no labor laws), and produces outrageous markups (yet still pays their employees at the bottom of the scale)…. it also takes away our dignity as people. That freakin’ smiley face they use as a logo, is worse than burning the American flag, IMHO. Support USA apparel and textiles. Stop the slave labor. Bring the industry back home so we have work here. If YOU don’t care, THEY don’t care. Vote with your purchases. It really does make a big difference.</font> The USA cut & sews are going, going….

Organic Apparel & Textiles

USA Textiles – Once Upon a Time

U.S. textile plants are often located in small rural communities in the Southeast and often represent the major source of employment and taxes for many towns and cities. When a textile mill closes, the entire community feels the ramifications, with local businesses, churches and government being hurt. The industry is a primary employer of women and minorities.
<em>Source: National Council of Textile Organizations</em>

That’s one of the reasons we produce our organic textile brands here, because going overseas affects OUR communities and OUR families. We’re all for “fairtrade” overseas, but mostly for artisan-crafted goods, items that are unique to that specific area. But to cut and sew our garments? Why are we taking jobs away from Americans in this industry? One answer: It’s cheaper over there. If we keep going at this pace, we’ll all be working at Walmart. Your purchases cast a vote… Support USA garment workers!  Your neighbor may thank you.


Tape tape tape the box

You know around here, I don’t sing row row row your boat. I prefer tape tape tape the box. And the stronger the tape the better! We had a bad batch of tape not long ago… couldn’t wait to get the real stuff. Good tape means our customers get their items in great condition. That’s my job.. and I’m “sticking” to it.

By Cris

Organic Apparel & Textiles

We gonna rock down to Eco -Avenue

Just a familiar 80’s song with an eco-twist… and without the big hair.

We’re proud to announce our new eco line of Home Textiles and Apparel will soon be called “EcoAveUSA”. Previous to this, you may have goods with our “Tom’s Greenthumb” label, which we’ve produced for a few years now. The thing is, we never felt good ‘ol “Tom” really embraced our whole line (bath towels, tote bags, clothing, etc). The EcoAve label can stand on its own to identify our various eco products, everything from undies and sleepwear to kitchen towels and tote bags. Look for some exciting new items within the next year, as we plan and develop these projects and bring them to fruition.


Catalog Greetings!

Ask any of my friends. I love my black tees. I have about twenty of them. My favorite? Well, of course, our women’s organic cotton scoopneck. It’s so soft and it fits perfec-tee-ly. Anyone that doesn’t know me probably thinks I wear the same old shirt everday. I once read it’s a sign of genius to have several of the same garments because you don’t waste time or energy with the thought of what you’re going to wear. Hmmm… maybe I’m a genius! But then again, it’s pretty smart of me to prefer organic. And it’s smart for everyone else too. Not only does organic fiber create a premium fabric, it’s also benefical to our environment and to our skin. Softer, cleaner, fresher. It’s an ideal fiber for apparel, undies, sleepwear and bedding.


Natural Bedroom

How Safe Is Your Mattress?

We don’t use PBDE’s or other chemicals, so. . . you may wonder how we can offer these chemical-free mattresses without comprising fire safety, and that’s definitely something you need to consider when purchasing a mattress free of chemical flame retardants. We can’t speak for every natural mattress manufacturer, but in our case, we’ve carefully designed our mattresses using our CozyPure wool, layered or quilted in the correct areas, so our beds have passed the requirements to meet California’s stringent TB603 “Open-Flame” law, passed in 2005. Even though this is not a federal law, it is only a matter of time before the nation adopts the same requirements, so we feel we’re ahead of the game. Some people are foolish enough to believe that since they don’t smoke in bed, it doesn’t matter if their bed is protected with fire retardants. The truth is, most fires don’t start from burning cigarettes anymore; the more likely source is small open flame fires — cooking, heating, or accidents with matches or candles. If the fire starts in (or moves to) the bedroom, the mattress is one of the most vulnerable items to catch fire. Synthetic mattresses, treated with fire-retardant chemicals, will burn slowly, however the fumes are highly toxic and extremely dangerous, plus the intense melting can cause severe burns. Natural mattresses that are not properly constructed with wool or treated with fire-retardant chemicals, will easily ignite. On the other hand, a natural mattress like CozyPure, manufactured correctly to utilize the right amount of wool, in specific areas of the bed, will burn slowly without combustion, melting, or toxic fumes. So, be sure your natural mattress is constructed properly, and the manufacturer has tested for flammability — play it safe!


Welcome to our “New” Blog!

We now have this “new” blog up and running. Hope you like it. We’ll try to move our archives of “letters” and “tidbits” over to this site a little at a time. But for now, this is the new place we’ll be posting news, articles, and random ramblings!

Green Living Natural Home

Get Naked

It’s official. We’ve finally decided on a name for our soap and body care line: Naked Spa…. Ingredients so natural they may as well be naked. We use the bare essentials for the various items. Our bar soaps are USDA certified organic. Yippee! And the only preservative is natural rosemary. Our hemp clay mask and healing hemp foot cream continue to be favorites, and our new organic brown sugar body scrubs are getting rave reviews! Let’s get naked!

Miscellaneous Organic Apparel & Textiles

Chemical warfare in our clothes?

Did you know that chemicals and technologies developed for warfare during World War I and II, were later incorporated into pesticides for our farms? Your skin BREATHES — and is in contact with clothing, which is why some people suffer adverse reactions to chemically treated fibers. Starting with the cultivation through to the finished fabric, Organic Cotton contains absolutely no insecticides, herbicides, formaldehydes or other toxic chemicals. It’s the healthy choice.

Natural Bedroom

How to make a bed

Europeans are often shocked to see a bed made-up first thing in the morning. It is standard practice in Western Europe to let the bed *breathe* in the morning. The comforter is turned back to allow body moisture and odors to escape from the mattress via air circulation.