Eco-Tips Environment Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Natural Home Organic Apparel & Textiles Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding Sleep Tips

Kapok: The Tree of the Gods

Yesterday I wrote an article about wool, hoping to persuade those against it to join; however, I understand the integrity our customers hold and that some of them can not sacrifice their beliefs for a product, no matter how cozy it may be. This one goes out to all the vegans out there.

I understand that wool is an animal product and I am a firm advocate of animal rights, and while I still enjoy my wool comforter and indulge in feasting on a Thanksgiving turkey or a juicy burger whenever the time comes, for the most part I steer clear of products in which I know that animals are treated harshly. The food chain is real, and I wont sacrifice my appetite as long as the chicken that I am eating grew up happy and healthy. I also hold true to using wool products such as socks and bedding. Still, there are substitutes for wool all over, it just depends on where you are looking for them.

Good thing you are looking at CozyPure, though, because our natural Kapok has much of the same therapeutic effect as wool does, and its just as comfortable. Kapok is a soft, all natural product that comes from none other than the Kapok trees in South America. Kapok is a non-toxic, hypoallergenic fiber that has been used for centuries for things such as pillows and in other bedding products because of its durability and also because it is safe to grow, without comprising the environment around it. It has been used for a variety of things from stuffing life-preservers to cushions and saddles and woven into blankets, its wood has been used for carvings and coffins and canoes.


The Mayans believed the Kapok tree to symbolize the heavens and all of the glory than shines in the night time sky. This is where their Gods reigned, in comfort and peace, stowing away in the trees. Who could blame them? I would be propped up in one at this very moment if there were any nearby, what with all the comfort and beneficial properties that the tree holds. It is used as a medicine plant in the Mayan culture and in most wedding ceremonies, as well as other gatherings, it is made use of.

My affection for the tree is so high that I wrote a small poem dedicated to it. Enjoy:

The majestic Kapok tree, how we worship thee

you are oh so divine, your qualities benefit mine

and I am happy to use you: in my pillows,

in my blankets, and even between my toes!


bodypillow-joy copy


Ok, so maybe I’m no poet, but at least I know it! (Bad joke?) Still, there is no denying the natural benefits of Kapok products and it is the perfect substitute for those who are allergic to cotton and wool, or are against the manufacturing of wool, or other animal products. Don’t waste your time, try it for yourself today. It can’t hurt, it can only help.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Environment Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Made in the USA Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Natural Fibers Natural Home Organic Apparel & Textiles Organic Clothing Organic Comfort Organic Mattress & Bedding Sleep Tips

Why Wool Is Cool

A huge problem that people have with buying wool is that it is an animal product, and with the way that animals are treated in modern civilization people are skeptical on the matter. However, sheep are not killed when wool is attained, and while some people do bring harm to their sheep we make sure that where our products come from there is a safe environment for the animals. The wool is merely sheared off, so it is as if the animals are getting a haircut. No harm comes to these sheep, they enjoy their days long after the product has been taken, can you say the same about that burger that you ate last night?


Another concern with wool is the odor. So many people understand wool to retain a musty smell after being worn multiple times but this is true with all fibers, synthetic included! It is a fact that an article of clothing will get dirty and smelly if not washed for a prolonged period. All my wool sweaters and socks smell perfectly fine after being thrown into the washer, just as my spandex do. See, it can go either way in whatever you are wearing, no matter what your body will leave behind odors on your clothing and its up to you to make sure that it does not stay in such a smelly condition. Its either that or remove your sweat glands.

Wool is WARMER! Wool is capable of maintaining body heat, and while it dries slower than synthetic fibers it is still able to keep one’s body heat elevated without them burning up. Wool is a temperature regulator, meaning that in the cooler months it tends to retain body heat, while during the hot seasons it breathes with your body It is water resistant to a certain degree (lets not get too crazy here though, you can’t jump into a pool and stay dry) however, with smaller spills and messes there is a tendency for the liquid to drip down and simply spill off the fibers. Wool can also absorb up to 30% of its weight in water before beginning to feel wet.

Being the flame resistant fiber that it is wool will not melt into a persons skin when on fire. It is self-extinguishing, so when caught on fire it will typically only char (lets hope that fire gets contained though because you’d hate to ruin that polyester sweater of yours). Not only is it flame resistant but its super durable. Unlike other fibers that break and wear down over time, wool takes much longer to wear down.

Finally, wool is comfortable too! Every night I tuck myself away under my warm, cozy organic wool comforter and thank the stars that its available to me. In the morning I wake up just a little happier because of how cozy I am wrapped up underneath my blanket and my mood is destroyed when the realization that I actually have to see the world outside sinks in. Just another reason to sleep, I guess.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Green Living Healthy Lifestyles Miscellaneous

Winter Superfoods – to get you away from that eggnog!

Winter is right around the corner and we all know what that has in store for us: Family, friends, and food. The Christmas season is quickly approaching and that always entails gorging upon food on food on food, as does Thanksgiving. The cold months just seem to conjure up the thought of eating in our minds and who are we to fight it? After all it is in our nature to fatten up for the cold months so that we do not freeze to death. Still, bikini season is ALWAYS just around the corner, no matter what time of year it is, and we all know how stressful it can be to wait till the last minute to shed those extra pounds so I’ve done my research and have compiled a list of winter foods that will help to keep you in tip-top shape throughout the long winter months.

1. Mushrooms can be hearty and flavorful, with few enough calories that you can enjoy the savory taste of them without having to decide which workout you should be preparing for later in order to burn them off. Easy ways to utilize can be by putting them in soups and stews.


2. Cranberries are loaded with antioxidants that can help combat infection. We already seem to make use of them in our feasts (cranberry sauce), but they also make great smoothies and can also be used in casseroles and stuffings.


3. Wild rice is filled with vitamins B and E and it can be an easy substitute for bread in your stuffing, or other heavy dishes. Take your pallet to the next level, live on the wild side.


4. Red Beans are chock-full of antioxidants and are also great with stews and soups because they are so hearty. Enjoy them with your mushrooms, or with your rice. Or with both!


5. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. These nuts are rich with vitamins B and C and are low in fat with a high percentage of protein, they make good mid-day and midnight snacks.


Now that you have a good idea of the best winter foods to eat to curb your appetite and fill your body with the vitamins and nutrition that it needs you might think twice before binging on eggnog and leftover pumpkin pie. It’s in everybody’s best interest to stay healthy all year round. You body will thank you for feeding it the food that it needs, and so will your brain. You can rest assured that you are getting proper protein and vitamins and when bikini season does finally come around, you’ll be glowing and ready to bask in the sun.




eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Eco-Tips Environment Green Living Miscellaneous News Coverage Woman-Owned

Green Festival 2013

Though it took place nearly two months ago, I want to take a moment to express our gratitude toward all of the patients who showed up to the Green Festival in Washington, D.C. It is always such a pleasure to meet new and exciting people who truly care for the environment around them because for now it is all that we have left. We must take time to fix the problems that we create in our day-to-day lives and work for the greater good of the Eco-system. We also saw some familiar faces from previous shows and were overwhelmed that these faithful customers continue to choose us for their comfort needs, it is such an honor to know that people all over the country will lie down at the end of the day and rest soundly on their green mattresses. Ralph Nader even showed his face at our booth and laid down for a couple of minutes while we explained the benefits of CozyPure to him.

A major question that we were asked at the trade show, and a question that continues to be prevalent in our daily business is what makes our company different from other mattress companies? For one we are a woman-owned, self sustaining factory. We make our products by hand in our factory – which is also connected to our showroom – and our means of energy are environmentally friendly. We believe that people should be happy with where they are buying their products from and there is no better place to purchase organic bedding than the Organic Comfort Zone.

For one, we will build your mattress for you, unlike many other companies that send the latex pieces for you to put together at your own home. We are happy to make your bed for you, it makes us feel alive. All of our pillows are custom made to your specific needs because not everyone likes a giant pillow or a lite pillow. Noodles upon noodles with cakes of latex iced with wool comforters and truffles of kapok and cotton is what you will find in our factory, not some dingy hole in the alley behind your local drugstore or in the boondocks in the center of Nevada. Don’t believe us? Come feast on the image of us making your mattress for you for yourselves, you won’t be let down.

We also take the time to get to know our customers so that we can recommend what might be best for them to purchase based on their preferences. For firmer support you may want to choose a mattress that has less layers in it because these extra layers may provide a softness that may just bee too soft for some. While others may enjoy the softness that comes with some of our mattress’. In either case, you are welcome at the Organic Comfort Zone, we are happy to meet your specific sleep needs!

Another point I would like to touch on that pertains to the green festival is the support from not only the customers but from the other business’ there. It really seems to come together as a community and we are always ecstatic to come back to our family of humble Eco-friendly companies. Perhaps for those who did not attend the last one you may want to come to our next show. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn more about your planet and ways that you can make it better, because there are always ways that we can correct our living habits for the sake of the environment.


Green shows seem to be becoming very prevalent in today’s society as environmental awareness is spread and it can be a good learning experience for everyone, even those who are educated in green living. I know firsthand that shows like the one in D.C. can have a huge influence on a persons perspective. After attending the September show I know now how many industries rely on outsourcing and factory work for their production and I also know how harmful it can be to the world around us. These citizens in outsourced countries are working for wages that are too low when they could be making use of themselves by getting educated and learning about the world around it, without it we may have found the next Einstein or Bach.

Environmentally these factories are doing more harm than good. They release toxins into the air and their employees don’t seem to be happy or healthy. If we took a moment to realize the destruction our country is leaving behind versus the ‘good’ that it is actually doing we might actually see ways that we can change for the better. Without outsourcing Americans would have more jobs and opportunities and so would the people in outsourced countries who have no time or education or money.

Being green is more than simply being green. It is a way of life, a way of providing for yourself and for others with nothing other than hard work and elbow grease. Being green is a state of mind and it is the reflection that state of mind shows upon your life. Choose to be green. Choose to be happy.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Green Living Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Organic Comfort Sleep Tips

Can’t Sleep?

Are you finding it difficult to fall asleep when the lights are finally turned out at night? 
Is it difficult to stay asleep for the entire period of the night?
Here are some easy tips that can help to ensure your quality and quantity of rest:

1. Turn down the lights!
     It can not be said enough that the amount of light reaching the retina can either
increase or decrease one's melatonin production which will determine a person's ability
to fall asleep quickly.
2. Avoid drugs such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
     While it may seem rather obvious as to why one must avoid such stimulants as caffeine 
and nicotine - because they are stimulants and they excite neural activity - the reason
behind why consuming alcohol before bed time may seem less clear. Because alcohol is a
depressant it works as an aid to SLOW neural activity and for many people it may help
in putting them to sleep; however, because alcohol is unnatural to the human body it will
disrupt one's internal biological clock and perhaps reset his or her sleep schedule.
In other words, we do not experience the basic sleep cycles while intoxicated as we would
sober. Also, drugs inhibit REM sleep, which is dream sleep, and in dreaming one's memory is
created to a certain degree and with these depressants a person is susceptible blacking
out and doing things they shouldn't then waking up without any recollection of it!

3. Create comforting pre-sleep routines
     As bedtime approaches a person may want to indulge in activities that sooth
brain activity. These activities will be as simple as reading a book, taking a
bath, and watching T.V. (though try to refrain from light emitting screens in
the ten minutes before sleep). Activities to avoid would be ones that involve
physical labor, and stress.


4. Assure a normal sleep schedule:
     In order for your body to rest easier it is imperative that one gets the same number
of hours of sleep per night and that they go to bed and wake up at particular times.
This is so that your body has time to wake up and get tired again all in a normal days cycle.

5. Exercise regularly:
     While exercising in the hour before sleep is not ideal - because is gets blood rushing
to all parts of one's body, making them feel alive - a good workout at some point during the
day would not go unrewarded. For one maintaining healthy habits such as these is good
practice, but also it fatigues your body, making a person more tired.

6. Manage shift work:
     What this means is only that if you are working the night shift multiple times
in a row you may be prone to sleep debt. Trying to work out your schedule so that you
are not losing so much sleep will be a good thing, but if this can not be done try to
create a dark atmosphere to your bedroom - dark curtains/shades, dark paint, low light,
and other things of that nature that can stimulate melatonin production in the brain.

     Finally we've reached our final tip and that is to assure that your body is
comfortable when trying to fall asleep. In the long winter months a thick wool comforter
will help in maintaining the appropriate body temperature with making a person sweat or
freeze to death. Sleeping on organic fibers such as cotton aid in natural comfort and
promotes deeper sleep, making it less likely for a person to awake in the middle of the night.

So there you have it, 7 tips that can help to eliminate stress and set your body back on track
to a natural sleep cycle - best of luck!


eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Environment Green Living Miscellaneous

Happy Birthday Agatha!

Happy Birthday Agatha!!!

For those of you who are not familiar with the above mentioned, let me take a second to guide you to the wonder that is: Agatha Hahn.

She was not always big and strong, like many others of her kind she started small and unrecognizable compared to the woman that she has grown to be. She has survived twenty odd years – battling the fierce cold of the winter months and enjoying the stifling humidity of the hot summer months (because here in Hampton Roads there is no in-between) – and has grown to embody what we all wish to be: well-balanced, strong, unchanging, and vibrant. With every gust of wind she sways slightly, and with every drop of sun she reaches toward the sky for a warm embrace. She is content in her solid roots, and she is smiling as the rain washes away her grime and nurtures her elegance.

What is she? You might ask at this point. Well she could be nothing other than…a PLANT! That’s right, Agatha is our familial plant that has overseen our company since the beginning. She has not only taken deep roots in our business family, but she has also been happy to grow with us – in our show room, in our backyard, in the sunshine, in the cold – and through thick and thin she has never left us (how could she?).

Not only has Agatha been there for us since the beginning she embodies everything that we aim for here at the Organic Comfort Zone. She is strong but compliant with the wishes of the wind (as we are with our consumers, if you want Extra fill in your pillow, we’ll hook you right up!), she is also Eco-friendly and a firm advocate of green living (no really, just look at her!). She is a mighty woman who is firmly rooted in the idea of getting down and dirty when the time comes (get it?), and most of all she provides a sense of comfort in an almost enigmatic way – like the grandmother who keeps on fighting.

Once we had left her out in the cold and when we thought she was on the edge of death we took her in and covered her in organic CozyPure blankets and showered her with love and encouragement. With nothing but her browning buds and her wits left, she pulled through and proved to us all that even in our darkest moments if there is a will to fight on there is a way. She also showed us not to mess with her again and claimed her place in the household as a true heroine of fate and standing over six foot four feet tall she has risen to the occasion of providing warmth and comfort more than once.

So happy birthday Agatha and congratulations on making it thus far with us, you are a real trooper and even on our dark days you cheer us up with your vivid leaves of green and branches of gold. You keep our chins up, reminding us that the sun will come out tomorrow – and you should know, because without it you would shrivel up.



The OCZ family!


eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


Green Living Miscellaneous Natural Bedroom Organic Mattress & Bedding

Keep Your Organic Mattress Clean and Dust Free

Keeping your house clean and dust-free can go a long way to feeling and staying healthy. While you probably wipe and vacuum up the dust in your house from exposed surfaces and under your furniture, what about your mattress?

While a standard mattress can trap dust and also become a home for dust mites, the outside casing cover of a CozyPure® Performance mattress can be kept dust-free and clean with a few simple steps.

One important thing to remember is NOT to put your organic mattress casing in the washing machine.  While you can toss your organic cotton sheets and blankets in the wash you can’t do the same with your organic mattress cover casing because it will tork and shrink. So how do you clean it?

The best way to clean your organic mattress casing is to remove the top panel by fully unzipping along the perimeter, then put it outside on a sunny day. The sunshine and fresh air will freshen it up and uses no energy except what the sun and fresh air produces. No chemicals whatsoever!

What if you have a stain on your mattress?

The best way to get out stains of our organic mattress covered casing or organic sheets is to spot clean with a mixture of water and white vinegar, maybe add a little lemon juice for a pleasant scent. For really nasty stains, try adding a little Dawn dishwashing liquid to the mixture. This creates an easy to make and eco-friendly homemade cleaner using simple ingredients that can help remove stains from your organic mattress cover. Just dab it on a clean cloth (or spray) and gently wipe the stain. Air-dry your mattress casing outside after you are done.


Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.

Eco-Tips Environment Green Living

Earth Day Eco-Tips

Happy Earth Day! This is the time to think about what ways we can help keep our planet clean. Here are 100 ways you can be Eco friendly on Earth Day.

  • Set your dishwasher to the energy saving mode and no dry heat modes to save even more.
  • Buy certified carpeting, furniture, and other household goods. FSC, SFI, GreenGuard, GreenSeal and more, all certify products produced with less harmful chemicals and sustainable manufacturing processes.
  • Buy certified organic food or locally grown. Less chemicals, less impact from transportation and delivery, respectively.


  • Buy consumer goods that are produced in a more environmentally sustainable manner and with less packaging.
  • Change the air filters on your heating and cooling system regularly.
  • Check with your local electric utility about purchasing green power. Many consumers have this option now.
  • Check with your state about subsidizing  energy savings and alternative power.
  • Check with your utility about any energy saving incentives it may offer.
  • Choose your fish carefully. Some are better for you than others.
  • Combine car trips. Instead of several smaller trips, make one larger trips and run all your errands at once. Or join forces with a neighbor or two!



  • Create a compost heap and enrich your garden. You can compost most food waste and yard waste.
  • Don’t choose between paper and plastic — shop with reusable bags.
  • Don’t flush your medications down the drain. Follow safe disposal practices.
  • Don’t use antibacterial soaps or other cleaners. They don’t work any  better than regular soap and water and may cause health problems.
  • Don’t use artificial air cleaners or plug-ins. They’ve recently been found to emit harmful chemicals.
  • Donate used items rather than trashing them. Most places will even take worn clothes for rags. Or Freecycle them.



  • Eat less meat, which causes the most environmental harm than any other type of food production.
  • Eat lower on the food chain. The higher up you go, the greater the environmental impact. That means more grains and produce. Besides, it’s better for you anyway.
  • Filter your shower water. You can purchase a filter that attaches to the head for about $50.
  • Filter your water rather than using bottled. Not only is it cheaper, but you reduce the bottles in circulation.



  • Fix leaky faucets and toilets.
  • Flat-screen monitors or laptops are far more energy-efficient than CRTs.
  • For business travel, try to combine trips and take direct flights to reduce your impact.
  • Get an energy audit for your home or a green office audit for your work.
  • Get your coffee cup refilled rather than getting a disposable cup each time.
  • Green your cosmetics.
  • Heat your home to 68 degrees F, cool to 72 degrees F. Reduce both at night. For each two degrees, save 6%.
  • House plants can help clear the air. Peace plants and philodendron are particularly well suited to eliminating many common air pollutants.
  • If green power is not available in your area, purchase green tags or RECs to offset.
  • In public bathrooms, install motion sensor faucets and hand towel dispensers.
  • In the office and at home, regularly maintain HVAC systems.
  • Install a programmable thermostat to save up to $100 in energy costs per year.
  • Install a solar-powered attic fan to draw out hot air in the winter.
  • Install aerators on your faucets to use less water.
  • Insulate your attic and basement to save as much as 20% on your heating and cooling costs.
  • Invest in green. There are many good mutual funds and stocks available.
  • Keep insulating shades and curtains on southern facing windows drawn in summer and open in winter.
  • Keep your freezer full for optimal power use.
  • Making smart paper choices has become easier. Use certified or unbleached paper, or both.
  • Never let your car idle. If you’re not driving or stopped at a light, shut the engine.
  • Offices are often over-lit. Reduce overhead lighting by removing overhead bulbs. Replace with task lighting.



  • Opt-out of junk mail.
  • Patronize companies that are making efforts to become more environmentally sustainable. From consumer products to services, your dollar can make a difference.
  • Pick a green dry cleaner that doesn’t use perchloroethylene, a known carcinogen. Or better yet, don’t buy clothes that need to be dry cleaned.
  • Plant native plant species, which are better suited to your climate and will require fewer chemicals and water.
  • Plant trees to buffer homes from wind and to help shade air conditioning units and windows that get a lot of sun.

tree shade


  • Print double-sided both at home and at work.
  • Recycle everything possible. Glass, metal, plastic, paper, cardboard (don’t forget junk mail!) and more. And participate in special item recycling days, such as for paints or electronics.
  • Recycle those printer cartridges.
  • Recycle your electronics and computer equipment.
  • Reduce consumption. Do you really need that new shirt? Clothing is the top contributor to environmental impacts of consumer product purchases.
  • Reduce your grass exposure. Plant shrubberies and other ground cover to replace this high-demand monoculture.
  • Regular maintenance on your current vehicle can save on gas. Replacing filters and keeping tires properly inflated are particularly important.
  • Replace at least 5 of your most-used bulbs with compact fluorescent.
  • Replace older toilets with newer, low-flow models.
  • Replace traditional exit signs with LED signs.
  • Run a full dishwasher rather than cleaning dishes by hand. Yes, it actually uses less water.
  • Safely dispose of hazardous materials, like batteries, CFLs, and chemicals. Check locally or online for resources.
  • Same goes for other personal care products. Safe use and disposal will help keep them out of our water.
  • Seal cracks using expanding foam and caulk. Look anywhere that pipes or wires come into the house, doors, windows. Experts estimate that if you added up all the cracks in the average home, you would have a 2-foot square hole.
  • Seal leaky heating and cooling ductwork. Use mastic rather that duct tape, which doesn’t offer enough sealing.
  • Select low VOC paint for your next remodeling job. And look for low-emissions products for any sealing work.
  • Shut all lights when leaving a room, saving about 5% on energy bills annually.
  • Shut down your computers and monitors every night.
  • Take 5-minutes showers and skip the bath. Any longer than 5-minutes and you’re wasting water.
  • Try carpooling to work one day a week. If it works for you, add more.
  • Try using a web conference to replace in-person meetings that require air travel whenever possible.
  • Turn off the tap. While brushing, while shaving, while washing dishes.
  • Upgrade appliances and electronics with Energy Star certified equipment. Both at home and at work, including copiers, printers, computers and accessories.
  • Upgrade your heating and cooling equipment. This along with hot water, accounts for 30% of homeowner energy use.
  • Upgrade your water heater. A solar system can meet 2/3 of a household needs. Or go with a tankless model. If neither works for you, go for an EnergyStar version.
  • Use an environmentally responsible bank. Many banks are working to address global warming.
  • Use ceiling fans to cool down rooms in summer and push down hot air in winter.
  • Use cold water for your laundry. Today’s soaps are designed for cold water washing.
  • Use doormats at all doors to keep particulates, dirt, and pollutants out of your home.
  • Use front-loading washers and dryers. Look to replace your old set with these newer models when it’s time.
  • Use green cleaning methods. Vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, Borax, and regular dish soap are all you really need for the majority of your household cleaning. Don’t want to mix it yourself? There are plenty of green alternatives.
  • Use Integrated Pest Management for bugs or vermin. There are companies that specialize in this.
  • Use motion sensor lights in offices and other areas if infrequent occupancy, like office restrooms.
  • Use natural lawn care. And when using any chemicals or fertilizers, carefully follow recommended application rates.
  • Use post-consumer, recycled content products, such as paper, napkins, toilet paper, tissues, and more.
  • Use power-saving settings on your computer. Set them to power down after 2-3 minutes of inactivity.
  • Use public transportation whenever possible. Or just try to commit to one day per week in your commute.
  • Use rechargeable and reusable office products, like batteries, pens, storage devices.
  • Use reusable plates, cups and utensils. And no styrofoam. Encourage others to do the same.
  • Use safer alternatives whenever possible. Read labels and learn more about what you’re using. Just because they’re selling it doesn’t guarantee that it’s safe.
  • Use smart plugs to shut off power to appliances and unplug chargers and other stand-alone appliances. The U.S. spends about $4 billion annually on stand-by energy alone.
  • Use the microwave whenever practical. It is far more efficient than the stove or oven.
  • Use timers for indoor and outdoor lights.
  • Vacuum your refrigerator coils, which helps it operate more efficiently.
  • Water your lawn less frequently and more deeply and at night in most areas, to avoid evaporation.
  • Weatherstrip doors and windows.
  • When available purchase organic cotton products. Cotton is one of the most pollution-producing crops in the U.S.
  • When on the go, use a reusable water bottle. Metal, #2HDPE, #4LDPE, or #5PP are safest. Avoid those with phthalates or BPA.
  • When purchasing a new car, look for the most energy efficient model you can. Hybrids are great, but may not work for everyone.
  • Whenever practical, walk or ride your bike. For trips less than 2 miles, it actually takes less time to bike it.
  • Work from home! See if your employer might be willing to allow work at home days for employees.
  • Wrap your hot water pipes with pre-formed, pre-fit insulating tubes.
  • Wrap your water heater with an insulation blanket. About $20 at Lowe’s.
  • Wash your laundry in cold water.  About 90% of the washing machine’s energy goes into heating.
  • And of course sleep green with sustainable renewable organic bedding materials that are better for the plabet and better for you!


Environment Green Living Natural Fibers

For Earth Day – Sleep on this

Here’s a press release from 2008 that’s worth repeating as we head towards Earth Day in just ten more days…

Earth Day is April 22nd and it’s the perfect time to rethink our everyday routine and the footprints we’re leaving on the environment. The car we drive, our household cleaners, the fertilizers we use on our lawn, even the mattress we sleep on; the products we choose to use can have a huge environmental impact on our planet.

The new adage of the 3-Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, can help guide us towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle of making greener choices every day, and every night too.

Believe it or not, your mattress has a giant impact on the environment, but don’t lose too much sleep over it because now there are alternatives for you to become a greener dreamer.

REUSE: Renewables Rule
Most conventional mattresses are made with chemical foam components produced from petroleum and natural gas – both of which are very nonrenewable resources. The continuing use of these fossil fuels pollutes our environment and relies on a vast amount of harmful chemicals in the production process. In contrast, an organic mattress made from natural materials is made from the milk of the Hevea Brasiliensis rubber tree, pure wool, organically grown cotton, and sometimes even corn. These components are derived from nature’s own renewable resources so we can use them over and over again without harming the environment.


REDUCE: Longevity is King
Did you know that Americans dispose of an estimated 38,000,000 mattresses every year? Most foam mattress components begin to lose resiliency and support sooner than expected, so they’re sent to landfills where they consume valuable space.


A mattress should not be a disposable product doomed for eternity at the landfill. The raw materials used in an organic mattress will last longer than its synthetic chemical counterpart. Investing in a quality eco-smart mattress will pay for itself over its lifetime while reducing your need to replace it. This concept doesn’t usually agree with big-business profit forecasting, but a product that lasts longer is definitely better for our environment, not to mention our budget.

RECYCLE: Ashes to Ashes
Natural materials are biodegradable, and sometimes even compostable, through proper recycling programs. They won’t decompose while in use, but they have the ability to naturally breakdown and safely re-enter our environment without harmful effects. Although foam can be recycled into other products, unfortunately there aren’t many programs in place for this to be a reality. Hopefully today’s little green jeans will be tomorrow’s green geniuses with full-throttle mattress recycling programs that will ease our landfill burdens and solve the dilemma of disposing the chemical soup so many people call their bed.

Cheryl Hahn, President of the Organic Comfort Zone located in Norfolk, Virginia, has over twenty years experience offering environmentally-friendly products and ecosmart organic comfort. Based on her knowledge and expertise, Hahn developed her exclusive collection of CozyPure® mattresses and bedding made from certified organic cotton, chemical-free pure wool, and creamy white natural latex derived from the sap of the rubber tree.


The components used are third-party certified for safety, tested for quality, and stamped with her seal of approval. “We’ve searched the world for the finest materials, backed by authentic environmental and organic certifications.” says Hahn.

In addition to using ONLY renewable, sustainable, natural materials, perhaps the best feature about the CozyPure® collection is it’s made in Virginia- USA by the only organic bedding manufacturer who also produces 100% of their own energy using solar panels and wind.


Tonight sleep on this: Our mattresses shouldn’t be killing us softly. The next time you need to revamp your bedroom, do the world a favor and choose natural and renewable materials. Green choices in the home can reap the benefits of safer indoor spaces, without leaving behind any dirty footprints. That’s something every mother loves to hear, especially Mother Earth.

Eco-Tips Green Living

Eco-friendly New Year’s Resolutions

Happy 2013!  A brand New Year gives you the chance to start over and try new things. As you think of various New Year’s resolutions, take some time and consider a commitment or new project that could help reduce waste. You will benefit and so will the planet!

1. Be creative with your trash:  A good goal for the New Year would be to think of creative ways to reuse the trash that you create. Making this a great alternative than a landfill.

2. Do-It-Yourself: DIY often goes hand-in-hand with reuse, and attempting more DIY projects in 2013 can not only help you cut back on waste because you’re buying less, it can also help you save money. When you find something in a store that’s expensive, it is often possible to make it yourself for less money.

3. Not Sure Something is Recyclable? Pledge to Look it Up: If you find yourself standing next to your recycling bin wondering if whatever you’re holding is recyclable, don’t guess. Make a pledge to always find out the answer. If you always look up the answers, by the end of the year you’ll practically be a recycling expert for your community and you’ll be able to help others figure out what is and isn’t recyclable.

4. Buy products that are not made for planned obsolescence: Purchasing products that are not only made to last you a limited amount of time prevents you from wasting money by buying the same thing repeatedly. Green products of the CozyPure brand are made to last for YEARS.

Choosing any of these Eco-friendly goals for 2013 will help you have money, trash and the planet.

What’s your Eco-friendly New Year’s resolution? Leave comments below.


Jamar Diggs is a PR Communications and Social Media team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.